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But the giù ù ba a is a creeper and it is among these parasites that poisons abound and this is why the fruits obtained from them are used with reluctance and if possible, avoided altogether. Treasures not to be imagined are still hidden in the profound recesses of the Malay forest; priceless treasures for medical science and for industry.

That had become the informal title by which the servants announced a guest who was let in so very frequently. Aurora understood finestra, window, and dire una parola, to say a word, and then that the signorino was giù in giardino. "All right." Aurora nodded to the Ildegonda, inviting her by a motion of the hand to go away again.

But the rudest among them were certain Germans, who not only talked but stood upon a seat to see better, and were ordered down by one of the Swiss with a fierce "Giù, signore, giù!" Otherwise the guard kept good order in the chapel, and were no doubt as useful and genuine as any thing about the poor old Pope. What gorgeous fellows they were, and, as soldiers, how absurd!

And the symbolism is fully explained by a large wooden sotoba planted beside the shrine, and bearing, among other inscriptions, the words, 'Bato Kwan-ze-on Bosatsu, giu ba bodai han ye. For Bato-Kwannon protects the horses and the cattle of the peasant; and he prays her not only that his dumb servants may be preserved from sickness, but also that their spirits may enter after death, into a happier state of existence.

"Body o' me," exclaimed Don Quixote, "what a proficient you are in the Italian language! I would lay a good wager that where they say in Italian piace you say in Spanish place, and where they say piu you say mas, and you translate su by arriba and giu by abajo." "I translate them so of course," said the author, "for those are their proper equivalents."

Figaro giu!" sang the Count, jauntily tossing up the concertina at arm's length, and bowing to us, on one side of the instrument, with the airy grace and elegance of Figaro himself at twenty years of age. "Take my word for it, Laura, that man knows something of Sir Percival's embarrassments," I said, as we returned the Count's salutation from a safe distance.

"Poiche allargare il freno al dolor puote, Che resta solo senza altrui rispetto, Giu dagli occhi rigando per le gote Sparge un fiume de lacrime sul petto," my tears coursed down my cheeks to such an extent that everyone began to sob.

Here is a still more palpable adaptation: ... So God ordains: God is thy law, thou mine. . . . . Un voler sia d' entrambi, E quel' uno di noi, di Dio sia tutto. Here is another translation: . . . inclino il ciclo Giu ne la terra, e questa al Ciel innalza. And Earth be changed to Heaven, and Heaven to Earth.

Or angry murmurs would rise from those few who had not the courage or the agility to mount 'Giu! giu!

By energetically rubbing the wound with this juice all baneful effects of the ipok are checked. I believe that it is amongst creepers that the most powerful poisons must be sought. The Sakai is on confidential terms with the giù u legop, giù u labor, giù u lampat, giù u masè and the giù u loo, but the lampon and broial are not forgotten either.