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Ut ain't rid war, but ut ain't so bad werwolves, Moncrossen, booze, Creed, a bit av a gir-rl somewheres, Shtromberg th' wor-rld is growin' bether afther all, an' Oi'm goin' to be in th' thick av ut!" Supper over, Bill donned mackinaw, cap, and mittens. "Phwere ye goin'?" asked Dunnigan. "To find Creed." "Wait a bit, 'tis early yit.

Koppowski was standing on a car, legs far apart, heaving over great rocks with his bare hands. Two bohunks, unsuccessfully tussling with a huge piece, he unceremoniously pushed aside, to grip it with his callous hands. Slowly it tilted, balanced a moment, and bounded away to the valley with great thuds. "Ye mayn't be aware of it, gir-rl, but ye're expected to clap. Koppy's showing off.

Ut's been lifted out o' ground to be afther swallowin' us in a sweet dose will be the lot av us, mesilf with as foine a gir-rl av school age as iver you'll see in anny counthry." "Ah yes, Barnay," said St. George soothingly but he would have tried now to soothe a man in the embrace of a sea-serpent in just the same absent-minded way, Amory thought indulgently.

I never can tell when a couple's married not unless he's showing the mar-rks of it about the pate, or flir-rting wid another gir-rl. What I meant to ask was how did yeer benevolent paterfamilias contrive to induce him to direct his seductive manners to the uncongenial atmosphere o' construction." He peered more closely into the laughing eyes of the girl.

When she finally found a five-cent piece, a tear had wiggle-waggled down her cheek and fell, splotching the back of her glove. Across the aisle the day laborer leaned to her batting at the hen pheasant's tail in her hat, and a cold, alcoholic tear dripping from the corner of his own eye. "Cheer up, my gir-rl," he said, through a beard like old moss "cheer up and be a spor-r-rt!"

He told her that he wanted to get some things "for a small friend," and Susan, radiant in the joy of being with him, in the delicious bright winter sunshine, could not stay his hand when he bought the "small friend" a delightful big rough coat, which Susan obligingly tried on, and a green and blue plaid, for steamer use, a trunk, and a parasol "because it looked so pretty and silly," and in Shreve's, as they loitered about, a silver scissors and a gold thimble, a silver stamp-box and a traveler's inkwell, a little silver watch no larger than a twenty-five-cent piece, a little crystal clock, and, finally, a ring, with three emeralds set straight across it, the loveliest great bright stones that Susan had ever seen, "green for an Irish gir-rl," said Stephen.

"An' why were ye sittin' prayin' for fire with the gir-rl thremblin' and freezin' to death in yer ar-rms if ye knew so well how to be makin' one?" "Hush Dan," said Kate; for the fire of anger blew high. McTee started. "You know each other pretty well, eh?" "Tut, tut!" said Harrigan airily. "You can't expect a slip of a girl to be calling a black man like you by the front name?"

The old man leaned forward upon his crutch, and with pathetic eagerness scanned the face of the younger man. "Me b'y," he said, "av yer plans is changed wor-rd from th' gir-rl, or what not, that'll be takin' ye back to Noo Yor-rk ye'll take me wid ye? "Oi may be a bit owld, but Oi'm as good as iver Oi wuz.

"So ye tur-rned in an' give th' crayther himsilf a foight an' ye win ut? An' phwat does th' gir-rl think av ut?" "What!" "Th' gir-rl. Is she proud av ye? Or is she wan av thim that thinks ut aisy to quit be just lavin' ut alone? For, sure, ut niver intered th' head av man let alone a McKim, to tur-rn ag'in' liquor, lessen they was a gir-rl at th' bottom av ut.