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"What puts such a notion in your head thin, Mike?" retorted Norah, "sure she's as foine a crayther as's in all the county, an' foiner too." "Foine enough, but I say for all that that she's a goin' off in her looks mighty fast," replied the keen-eyed Mike. "You don't think she'd be a pinin' for anybody, do you?" Norah gave a hearty Irish laugh.

"'Lord love ye, Miss dear, it's tuk up and sint to the Island for tree months she is; for a drunken ould crayther is Biddy Ryan, and niver a cint but goes for whiskey, more shame to her, wid a fine bye av her own ready to kape her daycint. "Then I WAS discouraged, and went home to fold my hands, and see what fate would send me, my own efforts being such failures."

And I began to recount to them how Daniel O'Rourke one night, returning from waking Widow Casey at Ballybotherem, and having taken a drop more than usual of the `crayther, saw the fairies come dancing round him; and I went on to describe what Daniel said, and what the fairies did. `And now, says I, `just sit quiet where you are till I come back and finish me story. And on this, giving another whoop, and a hop, skip, and a jump, I was making me way back to the river, when up sprang the Ridskins and came bounding afther me. `Sure, thin, says I, stopping short, and beginning to scrape away as before on me fiddle, `you don't understand me. And, by me faith, indade they did not; for without more ado they got round me, and suspecting that I had been bamboozling them, began to prick me with their spears behind, as a gentle hint that I was to march forward.

I have everything handy; and if you could come along with me, Miss Nora, and the other young lady, and if Hannah here will lend a hand, why we'll do up the place a bit, and the poor forsaken crayther can die there at least."

Oh! here it is again, and begorra I belave it's the thrack of a white woman, for sure I am that no dhurty spalpeen of an Injun could iver make such a dainty thrack as that. Sure and I'll look in that bunch of brush, perhaps it's there she is, the poor crayther."

I went on all day, eagerly looking out for a deer or a buffalo or a bear, and thinking how I could get up to it to make shure. At last, what should I see between the trees but a crayther with big horns cropping the grass all alone.

But Oi'm thinkin' niver befoor was Oi closter to th' roight place at th' roight toime thin a minit agone. "Whisky is made to be dhrank fer a pastime av enj'ymint not alone wid a laugh loike that. Ye've got th' crayther on th' run, but ye must give no quarter. Battles is won not in th' thruse, but in th' foightin'.

"What puts such a notion in your head thin, Mike?" retorted Norah, "sure she's as foine a crayther as's in all the county, an' foiner too." "Foine enough, but I say for all that that she's a goin' off in her looks mighty fast," replied the keen-eyed Mike. "You don't think she'd be a pinin' for anybody, do you?" Norah gave a hearty Irish laugh.

"It was put away shut up, for I shut it, and even one of us can't get that lid off without a knife or something to pry it." The company looked at the small hands doubtfully. They were none too little for many a forbidden feat. How had he got on the swing-shelf? How "Ye see, crayther, it must uv been yersilf, becuz there isn't annybuddy else."

"''Tis a mother's love, ye haythen; 'pon me whurd, there's nothin' else like it. See how th' news affected th' poor old crayther. It puts me in mind av the time whin I had an old leddy t' look after me. 'Tis a rale jewil av a thing, an' a man only has it th' onct. "'More's th' pity, says Garnett. 'Sink ye, but ye sure are a tough one to tell th' old gal on so short notice.