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May I ask if it conveys any meaning whatever to your so-called mind? 'Oh, I think so, sir. This with gentle toleration for Horace and all his works. 'We envy you. Sit down. Beetle sat down relieved, well knowing that a reef of uncharted genitives stretched ahead of him, on which in spite of M'Turk's sailing-directions he would infallibly have been wrecked.

These having introduced the cloth and dress of the Romans, attached little importance to the manner of wearing their skins. But those in the interior, having no other apparel, valued themselves on the nice adjustment of them. Cultus, artificial refinement. Cf. note, 6. Maculis pellibusque, for maculatis pellibus or maculis pellium, perhaps to avoid the concurrence of genitives. Belluarum gignit.

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

Nominative Mein gutER Freund, my good friend. Genitives MeinES GutEN FreundES, of my good friend. Dative MeinEM gutEN Freund, to my good friend. Accusative MeinEN gutEN Freund, my good friend. N. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends. G. MeinER gutEN FreundE, of my good friends. D. MeinEN gutEN FreundEN, to my good friends. A. MeinE gutEN FreundE, my good friends.

It is difficult to differ from the commentator, but it seems that genitives in the verse as are used for datives, in which case the meaning would be that they who give unto such persons shall also sink into hell. The Burdwan translator gives a ridiculous version of verse 22. The Bengal reading Brahmacharyya is better than the Bombay reading of that word in the accusative.

We have poetical constructions, as tollere consilia iniit; popular ones, as infitias it, dum with the perfect tense, and colloquialisms like impraesentiarum; we have Graecizing words like deuteretur, automatias, and curious inflexions such as Thuynis, Coti, Datami, genitives of Thuys, Cotys, and Datames, respectively. We see in Nepos, as in Xenophon, the first signs of a coming change.