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"Hurry up now and give us another ride, it's first-rate fun this!" The dragon groaned and seemed disinclined to stir, but the boys kicked him with their heels, and there was nothing for it but to gee-up.

Can one creep into the soul of another? Another's soul, we know, is a dark place. But, with the thought of God in the heart, things are always better.... No, no!... I'd my family all the time.... Gee... gee-up! little ones, in God's name! It was already almost daylight; we began to drive into Tula. I was lying, dreamy and half-asleep.

I only knew that I had been told that the Ridge Road would take me to Monterey County, if the weather wasn't too wet, and I didn't get drowned in a freshet at a ferry or slewed down and permanently stuck fast somewhere with all my goods. "Gee-up," I shouted to my cows, and cracked my blacksnake over their backs; and they strained slowly into the yoke.

It was now nightfall, and as I stood there at the roadside in the deepening gloom, watching the blank outlines of the receding wagon, a sound was borne to me on the evening wind a sound as of a series of vigorous thumps and a voice came out of the night: "Gee-up, there, you derned old Geranium." This narrative begins with the death of its hero.

The sun shone brightly, and all the bells in the church-towers were pealing; the people were dressed in their best clothes, and were going to church, with their hymn books under their arms, to hear the minister preach. They saw Little Klaus ploughing with the five horses; but he was so happy that he kept on cracking his whip, and calling out 'Gee-up, my five horses!

And so they keep the world going. But for me " he spat suddenly and with frenzy on the floor. "You are quite right, my boy," said Argyle. "You are quite right. They've got the start of us, the women: and we've got to canter when they say gee-up. I oh, I went through it all.

Without an instant's hesitation the four children turned and ran back along the forest path; the only pause was Anthea's. She stood back to let Cyril pass, because he was carrying the Lamb, who screamed with delight. 'Gee-up, Squirrel; gee-gee, he shouted, and Cyril did gee-up.

In rushed the aforesaid children, his equals in point of age; the one was drawing a large saddled horse after him, the other was carrying two large, dressed dolls. They had been sent out by their mother to play with Nikolai. And they were soon in full gallop round the nursery. Gee-up! gee-up! Nikolai drew, and Ludvig rode hi! gee-up!

I felt that any further disclosure would be a paltry anti-climax, and with an unconscious regard for dramatic effect turned squarely about and walked away. Nor did I return to that part of the county for four years. "Gee-up, there, old Fuddy-Duddy!"

Dunfer, his fragmentary revelation, and the unsatisfying explanatory note by the headstone, came back with singular distinctness. I wondered what had become of Jo., and I turned sharply round and asked my prisoner. He was intently watching his cattle, and without withdrawing his eyes replied: "Gee-up, old Terrapin! He lies aside of Ah Wee up the gulch. Like to see it?