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"What is the matter, what is the matter, dears?" cried Barbara, hurrying in. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Nikolai, behaving like that to the Consul's children! You'd better try it on! There Ludvig there, there, Lizzie he shan't hurt you! Just do what they want, do you hear, Nikolai!" And then Barbara had to lament over Ludvig's starched collar, which had got crumpled.

He became quite tired and downcast, as he stood there. If he ever met Ludvig anywhere, he would pay him out about the horse. At last the hour of departure arrived, when he was to go with the pony-carriage that fetched the Consul from town at three o'clock. The two children both clung to his mother's skirt when she followed him out.

The best known among his secular songs is Nordlands Trompet, a beautiful and patriotic description of the northern part of Norway. Ludvig Holberg was born in Bergen, Norway, Dec. 3, 1684. His father, Colonel Holberg, had risen from the ranks and distinguished himself, in 1660, at Halden.

Then one day there arrived at the school a West Indian of the name of Muddie, dark of hue, with curly hair, as strong and slim as a savage, and with all the finesse and feints which he had at his command, irresistible, whether wrestling or when fighting with his fists. He beat all the strongest boys in the school. Only Ludvig and he had not challenged each other.

She could not bring herself to think, had never believed, that the day would come when she must part from her mistress and Ludvig and Lizzie it would kill her! This was a direct appeal to the Consul himself, but the answer was not exactly as Barbara wished. He patted her on the shoulder, saying: "I'm glad, my dear Barbara, that you feel that you have been well off."

Upon her word, if it had been any other than Ludvig Veyergang, she would have had him peeping after her at every corner. "But, do you know, Nikolai, it suddenly came into my head while he stood there, that here was the person who both could and would help me with those fifteen dollars I still want so badly. But he was gone before I could collect myself." "Him? N no, mother!

The board school's new slide ran along the gutter a good way out into the grammar school street. It was the product of the joint work of many for a whole week, and fate willed that Nikolai, at the head of a string of comrades, should come full speed down it, hallooing and shouting, just as Ludvig Veyergang and a few others came round the corner.

Holman's Silla was just standing at the counter she wanted a pint of groats to take home with her when Barbara, who was measuring them out, suddenly saw Ludvig Veyergang at the door. He had seen Barbara before, and as he passed the door twice a day now, he nodded to her whenever she showed herself on the steps. But so friendly as he was to-day!

Ludvig Holberg is also buried in this cloister church, as well as three Danish Kings. Ingemann the poet spent most of his time at this charming town, which stands on the lake of the Sorö . In the luxuriant beech-woods which surround the lake, Saxo Grammaticus, the first historian of Denmark, was wont to wander.

I, whom Ludvig David was now eagerly cultivating, had known him for many years, as we had been school-fellows and even classmates, although David was considerably older. I had never felt drawn to him as a boy, in fact, had not liked him. Neither had David, in our school-days, ever made any advances to me, having had other more intimate friends.