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Again, Lope De Vega, Moliere, Regnard, Goldoni worry us with frequent trifling. Holberg drags us down into the mire.

"And from the formless clay, the cold, the dead," Cried Thorwaldsen, "shall Holberg live once more." One morning, when he had just modelled in clay his great bas-relief of the Procession to Golgotha, I entered his study. "Tell me," said he, "does it seem to you that I have dressed Pilate properly?"

Sorö, thou poet's pearl, that hast in thy custody the honoured dust of Holberg! like a majestic white swan by the deep lake stands thy far-famed seat of learning. We fix our eyes on it, and then they wander in search of the simple star-flower in the wooded ground a small house.

"He had a right to do as he did in those times," said Holberg; "but now we have left those times behind us." "You may get a fool to believe that," cried Mother Soren; and she got up and went into the room where the child lay. She lifted up the child, and laid it down more comfortably. Then she arranged the bed-place of the student.

In the field of satire and comedy he was a great and unquestionable master. All his actors are types, and are as real and existent at the present hour as they were actual when he sketched them. Besides satires and numerous comedies, Holberg was the author of various histories, several volumes of letters, and a book of fables.

At that time I cherished a sincere admiration, with only slight reservations, for Heiberg, Hertz, Hostrup and many others as comic playwriters, and was not far short of attributing to their works an importance equal to those of Holberg. And yet I was unable to avoid giving offence.

"I have a situation for you too, Marie," said Pelle. "With Ellen's old employers in Holberg Street you'll be well treated there. But you must be ready by October." "That will be fine! Then Karl and I can go into situations on the same day!" She clapped her hands. "But Peter!" she cried suddenly. "Who will look after him? No, I can't do it, Pelle!"

"A light for each man," said Holberg. "For each man?" repeated the woman, looking sharply at him. "For each of the wise men from the East," said Holberg. "You mean it that way," said she, and then she was silent for a long time. But on this evening he learned more about her than he had yet known.

"Ludwig Holberg," answered the student; and the name sounded like any other. But now there sounds in it one of the proudest names of Denmark; then it was the name of a young, unknown student. The ship glided past the castle. It was not yet bright day when it was in the open sea.

I gave some scenes out of Holberg, and repeated a few poems; and then, all at once, the sense of my unhappy condition so overcame me that I burst into tears; the whole company applauded.