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And you must go like a derned fool and leave these yer things behind you in the bresh," he went on querulously, lifting Madison Clay's dust-coat, hat, and shotgun from his horse, which stood saddled at the door. "Luckily I picked them up in the woods comin' here. Ye ain't got more than time to get over the state line and among your folks thar afore they'll be down on you. Hustle, old man!

He appeared to be in a queer state of intoxication-a state that made him happy without impairing his faculties, however. He turned suddenly and put his lips down toward her ear. "Well, Nell, I can't hold in any longer. We've struck it!" "Struck what?" "Well, you see that derned fool partner o' mine got me to go into a lot o' land in the copper country. That's where all the trouble came.

Don't be a derned fool." Linklater brightened perceptibly. "Now you're getting a little natural," he said in a hopeful tone. "Oh, I suppose you'd like to hear me string out a lot of damns." "Well, it might help. I wouldn't feel quite so lonely. But don't violate " "I'd do it if I thought it would really increase your comfort, though I know I'd feel like an infernal ass.

Some of you've got to roust out and do some clerking, or I've got to quit. I've not got the constitution to stand it. Jim, you 'tend to Mis' Pike, and Bill, you wait on Mis' Jones. Lord! Lord! half a dozen of you here, and not one doing a thing not a derned thing! Do you want me to get up and leave Miss Mirandy and do things myself? We've got to settle about the colour of this gown.

"I've been giving in all along, but I'm tired, dang tired. Here she's going with that town-dude Sunday and expects me to drive out there by myself and enjoy the sight from afar. Derned if I don't believe, as you say, that I've been giving that girl too much rein and floundering about too much in the dust at her feet.

Where did you learn to lie, Mr. Rattar?" The lawyer made no answer at all. His mind seemed concentrated on guessing the other's probable actions. "Out with it, man! I've met some derned good liars in my time, but you beat the lot. I'm anxious to know where you learned the trick, that's all." "Why do you believe her more than me?" asked Simon. "Because you've been found out lying before.

"And when we get up to the command we'll make them derned correspondents take turn about walkin', so she can ride a pony all the time. They've got no business ridin', anyhow." And so with rosy confidence in the fitness of things and a just belief in the charity of Major March, the detachment marched out into the hills, the ward of the company trudging bravely beside the tall and envied Mr.

"Slim!" was the only word Echo uttered, but the volume of love it contained told him everything. "You needn't say nothin' more I see it shinin' in your eyes," cried Slim. "Jack! Jack!" he shouted, "you derned idiot, come a-runnin " Payson hurried up from the arroyo within which he had been waiting. "Echo, I have not altogether failed in my mission.

Most of 'em never stay to home unless they've got a derned good reason to, setch as sickness, or the washin' and ironin', or it's rainin' pitchforks. She's a mighty queer woman, Rachel Gwyn is. How air you an' her makin' out these days, Kenneth?" "Oh, fair to middlin'," replied the young man, dropping into the vernacular.

His employer looked up from some accounts he was going over and motioned the foreman to a seat. "Well, Sandy," he said, as he noted the worried look in the latter's eyes, "what seems to be the matter? Out with it and get it off your chest." "It's about them derned rustlers," said Sandy, with his usual directness coming straight to the point.