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They commonly begin thus: "How is such a thing done?" Whereas they should say, "Is such a thing done?" Our reason is able to create a hundred other worlds, and to find out the beginnings and contexture; it needs neither matter nor foundation: let it but run on, it builds as well in the air as on the earth, and with inanity as well as with matter: "Dare pondus idonea fumo."

At Salò, also, on the Lake of Garda, they provided themselves with fit dwellings for their princely state and their large retinues, intending to divide their time between the pleasures which the capital of luxury afforded and the simpler enjoyments of the most beautiful of the Italian lakes. But la gioia dei profani è un fumo passaggier.

Addison hints at this in his citations from an imaginary history of Queen Anne's reign, supposed to be written three hundred years later. Finally, the Spectator has a permanent value as a human document. No. 1. Non fumum ex fulgore, sed ex fumo dare lucem Cogitat, ut speciosa dehinc miracula promat. HOR. Ars Poet. ver. 143.

Oldbuck, he resolved gallantly to put confidence in his powers of impudence, of which, the reader may have observed, his natural share was very liberal. And this Doctor, Your sooty smoky-bearded compeer, he Will close you so much gold in a bolt's head, And, on a turn, convey in the stead another With sublimed mercury, that shall burst i' the heat, And all fly out in fumo. The Alchemist.

As he passed me last night in his carriage of State, while the music pealed in rich rejoicing strains, that solemn chant with which the monks break upon the revellers, in "Lucrezia Borgia," came into my mind: "La gioja del profani 'E un fumo passagier' "

"Ille ego sum Maurus, franco qui captus ab hoste Exemplum instabilis non leve sortis eo;" and Jean Marot found inspiration in a Venetian song "Ogni fumo viene al basso" which he rendered in the following lines, alluding to the legend of the Moro's fresco in the Castello of Milan:

Ben Kirby is a great man on the 5th of November. All the savings of a month, the hoarded halfpence, the new farthings, the very luck-penny, go off in fumo on that night. For my part, I like this daylight mockery better.

Secondly, the vibration of the ground to the report 'Et, fessum quoties mutet latus, intremere omnem Murmure Trinacriam. Thirdly, the sheet of flame 'Attolitque globos flarmmarum, et sidera lambit. Fourthly, the smoke 'Et coelum subtexere fumo. Fifthly, the fire shower

He was a scholar and man of the world, who had a retentive memory, and, says Bayle, 'could say a thousand good things in a thousand pleasing ways. No. 61. Thursday, May 10, 1711. Addison. 'Non equidem studeo, bullalis ut mihi nugis Pagina turgescal, dare pondus idonea fumo. Pers.

Delicta majorum immeritus lues, Romane, donec templa refeceris Aedesque labentes deorum et Foeda nigro simulacra fumo. Nothing went right with Rome for long together after the Augustan age, but whether it was because she did restore the temples or because she did not restore them I know not. They certainly went all wrong after Constantine's time and yet Rome is still a city of some importance.