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Right round we went, and paid off at Nantucket. Then, after a fortni't on shore and a month repairin', the old Sea-Horse was off again, I with her. It was at Honolulu this dropsy took me, and back I come here, home. That's the yarn. There's not much to it, but, seein' your advertisement, I thought I might answer it." Lestrange took Fountain's hand and shook it.

Why, didn' Squire Tresawna ride over but yesterday an' commandeer Tory an' Pleasant? that's my two best waggon-hosses," the farmer explained to his brother-in-law. "An' didn' he say as most likely he'd be over again, inside a fortni't, after light draught hosses for the Artillery? I don't murmur, for my part. We must all be prepared to make sacrifices in these times.

But a fortni't ago I'd a rare bit o' luck, I allays thought I was a lucky chap, for I niver set a trap but what I catched something; but this wasn't trap, it was a fire i' Torry's mill, an' I doused it, else it 'ud set th' oil alight, an' the genelman gen me ten suvreigns; he gen me 'em himself last week.

Thankful sat down. Mr. Cobb swung about in his own chair, so that his face was in the shadow. "Hear you've been doin' pretty well with that boardin'-house of yours," he observed. "Hear it's been full up all summer." "Who told you so?" "Oh, I heard. I hear about all that's goin' on, one way or another. I was over there a fortni't ago." "You were? Why didn't you stop in and see me?

"But I need a fortni't to collect in some that's due me. Farmin' ain't such ready-money as the circus bus'ness." "Take your fortni't! And we'll settle place later. And that's all, 'cause it makes me sick to stand anywhere within ten feet of you." Hiram strode away across the fields, his wounded gladiator on his arm.

In a week the four women was thicker than hasty-pudding and had thrones on the piazza where they could patronize everybody short of the Creator, and criticize the other boarders. Milo and Eddie got friendly too, and found a harbor behind the barn where they could smoke and swap sympathy. 'Twas fair weather for pretty near a fortni't, and then she thickened up.

But what she wanted was drowned by a succession of certain mysterious sounds, such as are only produced by a collision of lips, and which made Aunt Betsy mutter to herself: "It's all right, I know, but so much kissin' as I've seen the last fortni't is enough to turn a body's stomach. I guess old bachelders and widders is commonly wus than fresh hands at it."

Once in a while I'd have to go down town on some bus'nis in the evenin'. She didn't seem to mind it at fust, but bom-by she got it into her head that the' wa'n't so much bus'nis goin' on as I made out, an' though along that time she'd set sometimes mebbe the hull evenin' without sayin' anythin' more 'n yes or no, an' putty often not that, yet if I went out there'd be a flare-up; an' as things went on the'd be spells fer a fortni't together when I couldn't any time of day git a word out of her hardly, unless it was to go fer me 'bout somethin' that mebbe I'd done an' mebbe I hadn't it didn't make no diff'rence.

I can't seem to find any more just now. Maybe another batch'll turn up later. If it does I'll keep it till next time." The captain, suppressing his emotions, hastily counted the money. "Have you any idea how much there is here?" he asked. "No, I don't know's I have. There's been quite consider'ble comin' in last fortni't or so. Summer folks been payin' bills and one thing or 'nother.

"A fortni't later I took a couple of days off and went up to Wapatomac to visit the Van Wedderburns, same as I'd promised. Their 'cottage' was pretty nigh big enough for a hotel, and was so grand that I, even if I did have on my Sunday frills, was 'most ashamed to ring the doorbell. "But I did ring it, and the feller that opened the door was big and solemn and fine lookin' and had side whiskers.