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Dave, who had used up so much of his wind by his brilliant footwork, began to find it harder to keep the upper hand. Twice, however, he managed to land body blows. He was trying to drive in a third when Pennington blocked, following this with a left-arm jab on Darrin's left jaw that sent the lighter man to the floor. Instantly Dawley began to count off the seconds. " seven, eight, nine, te "

His hands came up around old Hector's jaws from the rear. "Let go," he commanded, and the hard tow commenced. It was all footwork and their progress was very slow, but eventually they won through. As soon as he could stand erect in the mud the rescuer unceremoniously seized The Laird by the nape and dragged him high and dry up the bank.

He has many and varied services, underhand cuts, fore and backhand, a "push" off his nose, and even one serve where he turns his back on the court and serves the ball back over his head. His drives are cramped in swing and hit with excessive top spin. His footwork is a defiance of all rules. His volleying game looks like an accident, yet Mishu produces results.

But at the top is where you belong. Your name, you say, is Robinson?" "McGowan," repeated the amateur, "Mac McGowan." "It don't matter," said Delano. "Suppose you walk up to my hotel with me. I'd like to talk to you. Your footwork is the worst I ever saw, Madigan but well, I'd like to talk to you. You may not think so, but I'm not so stuck up. I came off of the West Side myself.

"And this one. And this! Here's another!" By this time the blows were raining in fast and thick. Tom's agile footwork kept him out of reach of the hard, hammer-like fists of the stranger. Tom had been bred in athletics. He was comparative master of boxing, but before this interchange of blows had gone far the young engineer realized that he had met a doughty opponent.

If there was one thing on which Bugs Butler prided himself, it was footwork. The adverb "lightly" is a relative term, and the blow which had just planted a dull patch on Ginger's cheekbone affected those present in different degrees. Ginger himself appeared stolidly callous. Sally shuddered to the core of her being and had to hold more tightly to the rope to support herself.

"Go it, Guv!" he shrieked, "go it! In an' out again, that's it Gorramighty, I never see sich speed. Oh, keep at 'im, Guv make 'im cover up sock it into 'im, Guv! Ho, lumme, what footwork you're as quick as lightweights oh, 'appy, 'appy day! Go to it, both on ye!"

That's why I don't like cameras right under my nose when I play matches, but for all that I still advocate keeping your eye on the ball. Footwork is weight control. It is correct body position for strokes, and out of it all strokes should grow. In explaining the various forms of stroke and footwork I am writing as a right-hand player. Left- handers should simply reverse the feet.

"I wanna know where you picked up all that classy footwork." "Oh," returned P.S., depreciatory, "I used to spar a bit with the fellows when I was a ah when I was younger." "When you was at what?" insisted Bross, declining to be fobbed off with any such flimsy evasion. "When I was at liberty to." "Huh! You mean, when you was at college." "Please yourself," said P. Sybarite wearily.

The visitors skipped back, in order to leave the combatants plenty of room for footwork. Since Jetson had heard definite announcement of the fact that he could not hope to be called to the Navy eleven, his inward flame of passion had burned up high. He was now ready to fight with all the force that there was in him.