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'Dade an' sure, sorr, I belaive he don't think none the worse av it now, by the same token; an' would give the same anser, sorr, to what I've axed him more nor once since he foorst came aboord us. Faix, I'll ax him now, your riverince. Ain't ye sorry, Misther Gray-ham, as how ye iver wint to say, now?"

Holgate's eyes flashed, and he looked almost angrily down at Dicky, whose hand was between the teeth of the playful Farshoot. "Doost think noa, tha canst not think that Goovnur be 'feared o' Hasha fook. Thinks't tha, a man that told 'em all a thousand therr that he'd hang on nearest tree the foorst that disobeyed him, thinks't tha that Goovnur's lost his nerve by that?"

"Hullo, old chap," said I, "what's up?" "Faith, Tom, Oi'm onaisy in me moind, sure, about Jocko," he replied. "Oi don't want yer sisther to be afther sayin' him at foorst. Sure, Oi want to take her be surprise, alannah." "Well," said I, "that needn't trouble you, Mick. Let's put the little beggar over the garden wall." "But, s'posin' onywun's theer?"

"Aye, she's all that, ivery inch of her from truck to kelson," he answered equally enthusiastically; "an' so's our foorst mate, a sailor all over from the sole av his fut to the crown av his hid." "And the captain," I inquired, "what sort of a man is he?" "Arrah, now you're axin' questions," he rejoined with a sly look from his roguish eyes.

"Why, trate them dock loompers to grog all round. They've worruked loike blue nayghurs; specially that l'adin' man av theirs, that chap there, see him, wid the big nose on his face? I'd loike to pipe all hands down in the cabin to splice the main-brace, if ownly the foorst mate were aboord," he repeated in a regretful tone.

"Sure, ye'll excuse me, Misther Gray-ham," he said presently, after another word or two on irrelevant matters; "but I must stop yarnin' now, as I expexes the foorst mate aboord ivery minnit, an' he'll be groomblin' like a badger wid a sore tail if those lazy lubbers ain't hove all the cargy in. We've got to warp out o' dock this arternoon, an' the tide'll make about `six bells'!" "When is that?"

Then, sure, ye've got the makin's av a sailor in yez afther all, as Misther Mackay aid whin he foorst clapped eyes on ye. An', sure, it's now me toorn to be afther axin' quistions, me bhoy don't ye feel peckish loike?" "Peckish?" I echoed, unable to understand him. "Now, don't go on loike an omadhawn, an' make me angry, as ye did at foorst," he cried. "I mane are yez houngry?

"Bedad, sorr," said he to father in his raciest brogue, and with that suspicion of mirth which seemed always to hover about his left eye, "it wor quite a plisure, sure, to sarve him; for he's the foorst lad I iver came across as took so koindly to the thrade.

For I don't belaive you've hid a bit insoide yer little carcase since ye came aboord this forenoon; an' we're now gittin' through the foorst dog-watch."

Sometimes the cow swung round her white face and looked at Dan, sometimes she lashed him gently with her tail. Ned leaned against the stall post and watched. "Thot's t' road, thot's t' road. Yo're the foorst straanger she a' let milk 'er. She's a narvous cow. 'Er teats is tander." When the milking was done Dan put on his well-fitting coat and they went home over Karva to the schoolhouse lane.