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"It's a fine night entirely, tho' a dark 'un. Come, I'll trate ye to a taste o' me cavendish, which is better than growlin' in yer hammock at the muskaities, poor things, as don't know no better."

We hunted, an' we hunted, an' tuk fever an' elephints now an' again; but no dacoits, Evenshually, we puckarowed wan man, 'Trate him tinderly, sez the Lift'nint. So I tuk him away into the jungle, wid the Burmese Interprut'r an' my clanin'-rod.

"'No, said one of them, a determined man he was, 'that wasn't in our agreement, nor it isn't in our hearts, to trate the innocent like the guilty." "'It must be done, said the captain.

I have observed Some high acqualine noses among them but they are extreemly reare. the most remarkable trate in their physiognamy is the peculiar flatness and width of the forehead which they Artificially obtain by compressing the head between two boards while in a State of infancy, and from which it never afterwards perfectly recovers.

"Bad luck to you for a scamp," exclaimed the indignant cook, shouting after him; "is that the way you trate a decent woman after gettin' your skinful of the best? Wait till you put your nose in this kitchen again, an' it'a different fare you'll get." On reaching his master's hotel, Dandy went upstairs, where he found him preparing to go out.

If her pore, dear brother what was drownded las' summer was alive, I wouldn't dare trate her so cruel." I stand fast, between breaths, to my resolution. I relate the true history of the transaction to enforce my appeal to my fellow housekeepers, all over the land, to join hands in a measure which would, I am persuaded, go far toward rectifying a crooked system.

Louiselle a trader from St. Louis built a fort of Ceder & a good house to trate with the Seaux & wintered last winter; about this fort I observed a number of Indian Camps in a Conicel form, they fed their horses on Cotton limbs as appears. here our hunters joined us havening killed 2 Deer & a Beaver, they Complain much of the Mineral Substances in the barren hills over which they passed distroying their mockersons.

Your good sense will tell you when to spake; but whatever my father says, trate him with respect lave the rest to me." On entering, they found Murray and his wife in the little parlor the former smoking his pipe, and the latter darning a pair of stockings. "Father," said Margaret, "Art Maguire convoyed me home; but, indeed, I must say, I was forced to ask him." "Art Maguire.

"Troth I will, then, for I see yous wear the colors of Uncle Sam," replied the Irishman, making his way to the boiler deck. "Long life to your honor!" continued Pat, as he reached the deck, and making a low bow, as he doffed his slouched hat, "but I wish I had the money to trate your honor." "Which means," replied Henry, "as you have not, I should treat you?" "That's jist it, your honor.

"Faith and they are NOW. And it's small wondher the men who sit in Whitehall in London trate them like savages." "I've seen things since I've been here that would justify almost anything!" cried Angela. "I've seen suffering no one in England dreamt of. Misery, that London, with all its poverty and wretchedness, could not compare with.