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"No, really I haven't a little sister about me, but don't you cry; I'll bring one round to-morrow and now I must be picking up these brothers where are they?" "Baby Willie is in the back-yard in his carriage and Johnny and Harry are playing fooneral with him," said she, gravely. "But that wasn't all; don't cheat me, little girl!" frowned the big freckled-faced man. "No!

I've got the money that says so. "'At any rate, says Tutt, 'from all I sees, I reckons it's the general notion that we calls this thing a draw. We can't afford to go makin' a preecedent of hangin' a gent for hoss-stealin' who's only doin' his best to be present at this Myra's fooneral, whoever she may be. It's a heap disgustin', however, that we can't open up a talk with this party.

"Or, I might impart about a Mexican fooneral where the hearse is a blanket with two poles along the aige, the same as one of these battle litters; of the awful songs the mournful Mexicans sings about departed; of the candles they burns an' the dozens of baby white-pine crosses they sets up on little jim-crow stone-heaps along the trail to the tomb; meanwhiles, howlin' dirges constant.

Not havin' no missives to read leaves him free to go weavin' about permiscus an' it's while he's strayin' here an' thar that he tracks up on this stranger who's come after Cherokee. "Ugly Collins sees our pilgrim in the Red Light an', except Black Jack, who of course is present offishul the stranger's alone. He's weak an' meek an' shook by a cough that sounds like the overture to a fooneral.

The next second, 'bang! goes the trey-full boy's six-shooter, the bullet gets Steve in the neck, with them heavenly results I yeretofore onfolds, an' at first drink time that evenin' we has a hasty but successful fooneral. "'I don't reckon, says Wat Peacock, who is range boss, 'thar's need of havin' any law-suits about this yere killin'. I knows Steve for long an' likes him.

'Far'well, vain world, I'm goin' home, says the lady; 'which I prefers death to sep'ration, an' I'm out to jine my beloved husband in the promised land. I knows, for I attends the fooneral of that family said fooneral is a double-header as the lady, bein' prompt, trails out after her husband before ever he's pitched his first camp an' later assists old Chandler in deevisin' a epitaph, the same occurrin' in these yere familiar words: "She sort o got the drop on him, In the dooel of earthly love; Let's hope he gets an even break When they meets in heaven above."

Thar ain't nobody in camp, from Doc Peets to Missis Rucker, but what's eager to know the finish of Curly's expedition, but of course everybody hobbles his feelin's in them behalfs. It's Captain Moon's fooneral, an' he oughter have a first, oninterrupted say. Moon comes up to Curly Ben where Curly is cuttin' the alkali dust outen his throat at the Red Light bar.

Then he gets back on the box, picks up his six hosses an' is gettin' out. "'Yere, you! says French, who's the Wells-Fargo agent, a-callin' after Old Monte, 'come back an' either plant your game or pack it with you. I'm too busy a gent to let you or any other blinded drunkard go leavin' a fooneral at my door. Thar's enough to do here as it is, an' I don't want no dead Injuns on my hands.