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Sez I dryly, "I guess three or four hundred wagon loads won't be needed for house plants, and after Tirzah Ann sees all that dirt lugged up her suller stairs and through her kitchen she won't have much time or ambition for posies." It wuz too mortifying to his pride." "Well," sez he, a bright idee occurrin' to him, "it will be a first rate job for the men to do rainy days.

Now, no one can observe what's occurrin' in your face, an' I can talk straight into your ear, see? What I was goin' to say is, that bein' a mother myself an' havin' children of my own to look out for, I couldn't recommend any lady, let alone one so young an' pretty as you, to take up with strangers, here in New York City, be they male or be they female. No, certaintly not!

The detectives also seemed to regard it as nothing out of the common, and as to the saloon-keeper, so much worse things wuz happenin' all the time in his profession, so much worse crimes, that he and his rich pardner, the American Govermunt, sees goin' on all the time in their countless places of bizness, murders, suicides, etc., that they evidently seemed to consider this a very commonplace affair; and so of the other house kep' by the two pardners, the brazen-faced old hag and Christian America, there, too, so many more terrible things wuz occurrin' all the time that this wuz a very tame thing to talk about.

'Far'well, vain world, I'm goin' home, says the lady; 'which I prefers death to sep'ration, an' I'm out to jine my beloved husband in the promised land. I knows, for I attends the fooneral of that family said fooneral is a double-header as the lady, bein' prompt, trails out after her husband before ever he's pitched his first camp an' later assists old Chandler in deevisin' a epitaph, the same occurrin' in these yere familiar words: "She sort o got the drop on him, In the dooel of earthly love; Let's hope he gets an even break When they meets in heaven above."

He just sat and roared as if he'd split his sides. I guess I 'aint goin' to be put out of the church just yet, anyway." Mrs. Burke looked a bit annoyed. "Never mind about Mr. Maxwell. You won't laugh if anything like this occurs again, I can tell you," she replied. "Now, ma," soothed Nickey, "don't you worry about it occurrin' again. You don't suppose I did it on purpose, do you? Gosh no!

"Well, I expect he hated that worse, having to receive my explanation with folks lookin' on at us publicly that-a-way, and him without further ideas occurrin' to him at the moment. That's what started his poor opinion of me, not havin' ideas at the moment. And so the boys resumed their cyards. "I'd most forgot about it. But Trampas's mem'ry is one of his strong points.

You see, there ain't such a lot that happens to other people occurrin' on a ranch, and we was really more excited over Aleck and his girl than a tenderfoot would be over a gun fight, and for the same reason; it was out of our ordinary. "Scraggsy didn't keep us on the anxious seat. He was the surest thing I ever saw.