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'He is the most grateful, single-hearted, affectionate creature that ever breathed. 'So odd, too, remarked Miss Snevellicci, 'isn't he? 'God help him, and those who have made him so; he is indeed, rejoined Nicholas, shaking his head. 'He is such a devilish close chap, said Mr Folair, who had come up a little before, and now joined in the conversation.

'Perhaps you have, rejoined the immovable Mr Folair; 'if you have, he said this before he was silenced: Lenville says that you're a regular stick of an actor, and that it's only the mystery about you that has caused you to go down with the people here, and that Crummles keeps it up for his own sake; though Lenville says he don't believe there's anything at all in it, except your having got into a scrape and run away from somewhere, for doing something or other.

As Mr Folair was pretty well known among his fellow-actors for a man who delighted in mischief, and was by no means scrupulous, Nicholas had not much doubt but that he had secretly prompted the tragedian in the course he had taken, and, moreover, that he would have carried his mission with a very high hand if he had not been disconcerted by the very unexpected demonstrations with which it had been received.

'You play the faithful and attached servant; you are turned out of doors with the wife and child. 'Always coupled with that infernal phenomenon, sighed Mr Folair; 'and we go into poor lodgings, where I won't take any wages, and talk sentiment, I suppose? 'Why yes, replied Nicholas: 'that is the course of the piece. 'I must have a dance of some kind, you know, said Mr Folair.

My position as a mutual friend requires it, sir. Mr Folair paused with a most impressive look, and diving into the hat before noticed, drew from thence a small piece of whity-brown paper curiously folded, whence he brought forth a note which it had served to keep clean, and handing it over to Nicholas, said 'Have the goodness to read that, sir.

'Yes, by Jove, and well I may, said Mr Folair, drawing his arm through his, and walking him up and down the stage. 'Isn't it enough to make a man crusty to see that little sprawler put up in the best business every night, and actually keeping money out of the house, by being forced down the people's throats, while other people are passed over?

'Nobody can ever get anything out of him. 'What SHOULD they get out of him? asked Nicholas, turning round with some abruptness. 'Zooks! what a fire-eater you are, Johnson! returned Mr Folair, pulling up the heel of his dancing shoe. 'I'm only talking of the natural curiosity of the people here, to know what he has been about all his life.

Regardless of this circumstance, however, Mrs Lillyvick refused to be comforted until the belligerents had passed their words that the dispute should be carried no further, which, after a sufficient show of reluctance, they did, and from that time Mr Folair sat in moody silence, contenting himself with pinching Nicholas's leg when anything was said, and so expressing his contempt both for the speaker and the sentiments to which he gave utterance.

'Oh! replied Mr Folair, beating his slippers together, to knock the dust out; 'I CAN come it pretty well nobody better, perhaps, in my own line but having such business as one gets here, is like putting lead on one's feet instead of chalk, and dancing in fetters without the credit of it. Holloa, old fellow, how are you?

Mr Folair turned his head now ornamented with several fragments of the note towards Nicholas, and with the same imperturbable dignity, briefly replied 'No. 'Then, said Nicholas, taking up the tall hat and tossing it towards the door, 'you had better follow that article of your dress, sir, or you may find yourself very disagreeably deceived, and that within a dozen seconds.