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I may have been a fire-eater once I may have been a gay young feller as could ; but no matter. Avast musin'! As Lord Bacon says "`The light of other days is faded, An' all their glory's past; My boots no longer look as they did, But, like my coat, are goin' fast. "But I say, leftenant, how long do you mean to keep pullin' about here, without an enemy, or, as far as I can see, an object in view?

His expression was hard, his eyes alight. This the lady noted. She returned and patted him gently on the back again. "There, there, don't sail off on a wrong tack, my beloved fire-eater. Fallowfeild was quite right. The game was up, really it was; and he wanted me to walk out, like the gentlemanlike dog, so as to avoid being kicked out.

There is only one small landing-place, called the Aquada del Ingles, with a fort protecting it. Towards that we stood, for the surf sets so heavily on the shore, that a boat attempting to land anywhere else would be knocked to pieces. We had a gallant English officer in command of the troops, Major Miller. I never saw such a fire-eater.

Corrigan was pale and breathless, but he smiled at her and held her off when she essayed to help him brush the dust from his clothing. He did that himself, and mopped his face with a handkerchief. "It wasn't fair," whispered the girl, sympathetically. "I almost wish that you had killed him!" she added, vindictively. "My, what a fire-eater!" he said with a broad smile.

As a Southerner he was not familiar with the psychology of the northern Irish; the sectarian narrowness popularly attributed to them outside their province was wholly alien to his character; he was as far removed by nature from a fire-eater as it was possible for man to be; he was not fond of unnecessary exertion; he preferred the law to politics, and disliked addressing political assemblies.

Despite his epaulets he retained his rustic awkwardness and heaviness; the barracks had taught him nothing as yet of the fine words and victorious attitudes of the ideal Parisian fire-eater. "Yes, madame," Rosalie would wind up by saying, "you don't need to disturb yourself; it is not in him to play any tricks!" Thus the girl began to treat him in quite a motherly way.

He withdrew with his warriors, knowing that the promise would be kept. "Why was I not allowed to go with them?" mourned young Brant. Colonel Johnson laughed and patted his shiny black head. "Never mind, young fire-eater," he said. "We'll all of us soon have our fill of war and more."

And just here is a good place to say that your radical your fire-eater, agitator, and revolutionary who dips his pen in aqua fortis, and punctuates with blood is almost without exception, met socially, a very gentle, modest and suave individual. William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Horace Greeley, Fred.

"Welcome home!" said the fire-eater cordially. Dill's return could have but one meaning. He had returned with a "Live One" to take up the options. Hope smouldering to the point of extinction sprang to life and burned like a fire in a cane-brake. Imaginations were loosed on the instant. Once more Ore City began to think in six figures.

They had some printed and worked the scheme among crowds of men coming from factories, just as they were doing when they were caught. As Ham told Joe, the old fire-eater had overheard the plots and saw his chance to do Joe a favor.