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Mr Folair having obligingly confided these particulars to Nicholas, left him to mingle with his fellows; the work of personal introduction was completed by Mr Vincent Crummles, who publicly heralded the new actor as a prodigy of genius and learning. 'I beg your pardon, said Miss Snevellicci, sidling towards Nicholas, 'but did you ever play at Canterbury? 'I never did, replied Nicholas.

Bless you, if he had pinked you, said Mr Folair, stopping to make a calculation in his mind, 'it would have been worth ah, it would have been worth eight or ten shillings a week to him. All the town would have come to see the actor who nearly killed a man by mistake; I shouldn't wonder if it had got him an engagement in London.

Mr Folair made a funny face from his pantomime collection, and pointed over his shoulder. 'You don't mean the infant phenomenon? 'Infant humbug, sir, replied Mr Folair. 'There isn't a female child of common sharpness in a charity school, that couldn't do better than that. She may thank her stars she was born a manager's daughter. 'You seem to take it to heart, observed Nicholas, with a smile.

Nicholas was up betimes in the morning; but he had scarcely begun to dress, notwithstanding, when he heard footsteps ascending the stairs, and was presently saluted by the voices of Mr Folair the pantomimist, and Mr Lenville, the tragedian. 'House, house, house! cried Mr Folair. 'What, ho! within there, said Mr Lenville, in a deep voice.

The pistol falls from your hand you are overcome you burst into tears, and become a virtuous and exemplary character for ever afterwards. 'Capital! said Mr Lenville: 'that's a sure card, a sure card. Get the curtain down with a touch of nature like that, and it'll be a triumphant success. 'Is there anything good for me? inquired Mr Folair, anxiously. 'Let me see, said Nicholas.

'Oh! said Nicholas, forcing a smile. 'That's a part of what he says, added Mr Folair. 'I mention it as the friend of both parties, and in strict confidence. I don't agree with him, you know.

'I say, Johnson, remonstrated Mr Folair, suddenly losing all his dignity, 'none of that, you know. No tricks with a gentleman's wardrobe. 'Leave the room, returned Nicholas. 'How could you presume to come here on such an errand, you scoundrel? 'Pooh! pooh! said Mr Folair, unwinding his comforter, and gradually getting himself out of it. 'There that's enough.

'Is any parallel attempted to be drawn in this company between matrimony and hanging? 'The noose, you know, said Mr Folair, a little crest-fallen. 'The noose, sir? retorted Mr Lillyvick. 'Does any man dare to speak to me of a noose, and Henrietta Pe 'Lillyvick, suggested Mr Crummles. And Henrietta Lillyvick in the same breath? said the collector.

'Oh, certainly, rejoined Nicholas; 'but suppose I were to turn the tables, and pull HIS nose, what then? Would that make his fortune? 'Why, I don't think it would, replied Mr Folair, scratching his head, 'because there wouldn't be any romance about it, and he wouldn't be favourably known.

Henry Breckinridge Folair, a consistent Copperhead, captain of the canal- boat, again and again pressed that suit I had so often rejected. It was a lovely moonlight night. We sat on the deck of the gliding craft. The moonbeam and the lash of the driver fell softly on the flanks of the off horse, and only the surging of the tow-rope broke the silence. Folair's arm clasped my waist.