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"Ay," the skipper continued, "'twas a sad mistake. 'Twas floutin' Providence t' say a word like that to a woman like she. But I just felt like it. Then, 'Oh, dear, says she, ''tis barb'rous lonely t' Wolf Cove, says she. ''Tis too bad, mum, says I. An' I throwed the bow o' the punt plump into a wave, Davy, lad, an' shipped a bucket o' water.

"Why, Priscilla, you're crying!" she exclaimed Don't do that! Why should you cry?" "Why indeed!" blubbered Priscilla "Except that I'm a doiterin' fool! I can't abear the thoughts of you turnin' yer back on the good that God gives ye, an' floutin' Mr.

"'Do, Huldy? says the parson: 'why, there's the other turkey, out there by the door; and a fine bird, too, he is. Sure enough, there was the old tom-turkey a struttin' and a sidlin' and a quitterin, and a floutin' his tail-feathers in the sun, like a lively young widower, all ready to begin life over agin. "'But, says Huldy, 'you know he can't set on eggs. "'He can't?

"There's Grizzy McLeod; she's teachin' at the Cove these eight years, an' I'd shame her myself any day she likes wi' spellin' an' the lines; an' if there's ever a boy in a school o' mine that'll gie me a floutin' answer such's I've heard her take by the dozen, I'll warrant ye he'll get a birchin'; an' the trustees think there's no teacher like Grizzy. I'm not afraid."