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"I was sore enough at the little dummy to shake her. She let the other five put it all over her. I haven't seen her since she flivvered and I don't want to." "She never could play basket ball," was Natalie's lofty assertion. "She didn't show any signs of it yesterday," Leslie grimly agreed. "I'll meet you girls at the garage," she directed with a brusque change of subject.

Take Cleopatra now, the lady to whom Marc Antony said: "I am dying, Egypt, dying," and then refrained from doing so for about nineteen more stanzas. Cleo or Pat she was known by both names, I hear did fairly well as a queen, as a coquette and as a promoter of excursions on the river until she fleshened up. Then she flivvered.

"I am going over there for my car. It's good way to lose the gang. They won't look for us there." "What do you think of Les?" inquired Joan with raised brows as the two girls entered the dressing room. "Before Lola flivvered she was simply insufferable. Today she is positively affable. She's down on Lola. That's one reason." "I wish she'd stay down on her," responded Natalie with fervor.

"Though they ought to be cured of that idea when they remember how they flivvered the other times. But talking of radio reminds me that we ought to get busy with that lightning arrester we were talking about." "What has lightning done that it ought to be arrested?" joked Herb. For answer, Bob scooped up a handful of sand and threw it at the scoffer.