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Some days after Schulhoff paid the revered master a visit, and asked him to accept the dedication of the composition he had played to him. Chopin thanked him in a heart-winning manner, and said in the presence of several ladies: "Je suis tres flatte de l'honneur que vous me faites." The behaviour of Chopin during the latter part of this transaction made, no doubt, amends for that of the earlier.

They assent to all that can be said of the miseries which he brought upon France; but add, "Mais il a battu tout le monde; il a fait des choses superbes a Paris; il a flattè notre orgeuil national. Ah! C'est un grand homme. Notre pays n'a jamais etè si grand ni si puissant que sous lui."

We give the following example of his skill, in which he discourses upon the different effects which age produces on wine and women: "Une beaute, quand elle avance en age, A ses amans inspire du degout; Mais, pour le vin, il a cet avantage, Plus il vieillit, plus il flatte le gout."

A contemporary MS. says of that lady, "Elle flatte fort l'amour propre quand elle parle aux gens." Let us turn to the few, but profoundly beautiful reflections which form the constructive element in La Rochefoucauld's teaching. His aim in edification is to train us to dig through the crust of social sham to the limpid truth which exists in the dark centre of our souls

At the foote of euery mannes tree lieth a dogge, and a horse well taughte to couche flatte on the bealy, as lowe as can bee. When the beast cometh within daungier, he shoteth. And yf he hitte, he streighte commeth downe, taketh his horse backe, and foloweth with his hounde. The Argippians dwell vndre the foote of the highe mountaines.

"Chat et vieux, pardonnez?" said my uncle, quoting from La Fontaine; and then, opening a pale-blue eye full on Alain, he delivered with some emphasis: "La jeunesse se flatte et croit tout obtenir; La vieillesse est impitoyable." The blood leaped darkly into Alain's face. He turned to Romaine and me, and his eyes flashed. "It is your turn now," he said.

'Je me flatte qu'en cette Nouvelle Annee vous vous corrigerez, en attendant je suis come je serois toujours, avec toutte la tendresse et amitie possible, C. P. It is, of course, just possible that, from October 1750 to February 1751, Charles was in Germany, trying to form relations with Frederick the Great. Goring, under the name of 'Stouf, was certainly working in Germany.

'Ce choix spontané Messieurs me flatte beaucoup; et m'inspire des desirs les plus ardens de m'en montrer digne, au moins par la promptitude avec laquelle Je saisirai toute occasion de faire ce que Je pourrai pour contribuer á l'avantage des Arts et la celebrité de l'Academie. 'J'ai l'honneur d'etre avec toute la consideration possible, 'Messieurs,

Their married women wear on their heades, fine wickre Basquettes of a foote and a haulf long: rounde, and flatte on the toppe like a barrelle. Whiche are either garnished with chaungeable silkes, or the gaiest parte of the Pecockes feathers, and sette with golde and stones of sondrie sortes.

"Je suis alle voir George Eliot et Lewes qui a ete charmant; il est venu s'asseoir a cote de moi ou il est reste tout le temps de ma visite, et lorsque je suis parti, il s'est beaucoup plaint de ne pas me voir davantage. Il me traite d'une facon tres affectueuse, et en meme temps avec un respect qui, venant de lui, me flatte beaucoup.