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For rudeness is better than any argument; it totally eclipses intellect. If our opponent does not care for our mode of attack, and will not answer still more rudely, so as to plunge us into the ignoble rivalry of the Avantage, we are the victors and honor is on our side. Truth, knowledge, understanding, intellect, wit, must beat a retreat and leave the field to this almighty insolence.

I remember one thing he said: Monsieur, ce que fait la fortune de la banque ce n'est pas le petit avantage qu'elle tire du refait quoique cela y est pour quelquechose c'est la te'me'rite' de ceux qui perdent, et la timidite' de ceux qui gagnent." "And," says Vizard, "there is a French proverb founded on experience: "C'est encore rouge qui perd, Et encore noir. Mais toujours blanc qui gagne."

The bravest warrior thinks it no disgrace to lurk in silence and take every avantage of his foe; he triumphs in the superior craft and sagacity by which he has been enabled to surprise and destroy an enemy. Indeed, man is naturally more prone to subtility than open valor, owing to his physical weakness in comparison with other animals.

And Louvois began to hum the following: "La belle Olympe n'a point de seconde, Et l'Amour a bien reuni Dedans l'infanta Mancini Par un avantage supreme Tout ce qui force a dire: J'aime! "What they would say?" replied the countess; "why, they would listen approvingly to a rhapsody which time has falsified, and imagine that I wince to hear it sung. But they would be in error.

Well, I think that the first duty of an art critic is to hold his tongue at all times, and upon all subjects: C'EST UN GRAND AVANTAGE DE N'AVOIR RIEN FAIT, MAIS IL NE FAUT PAS EN ABUSER. It is only through the mystery of creation that one can gain any knowledge of the quality of created things. You have listened to PATIENCE for a hundred nights and you have heard me for one only.

We give the following example of his skill, in which he discourses upon the different effects which age produces on wine and women: "Une beaute, quand elle avance en age, A ses amans inspire du degout; Mais, pour le vin, il a cet avantage, Plus il vieillit, plus il flatte le gout."

Il avait de la philosophie, Lord Melbourne.... C'est lui qui disait que l'intelligence n'est pas toujours indispensable: le grand avantage du célèbre ordre de la Jarretière, ajoutait-il, c'est qu'au moins "il n'y a pas, dans toute cette bête d'histoire, de mérite

Lorsqu'on trouvera une plaine rase et un lieu pour combattre avec avantage on en profitera; mais alors on ne fera qu'un seul corps de bataille. L'avant garde et l'arriere-garde seront employées

But if you wish to avoid such an extreme step, from fear of any unpleasant consequences arising therefrom, or from uncertainty as to whether the aggressor is subject to the laws of knightly honor or not, there is another means of making your position good, namely, the Avantage.