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They pricked him with the javelins, shook the red banners in his face, and fizzed the pyrotechnics before his eyes. They tormented the poor creature till he was furious. He had no adequate weapon for this unequal and unfair warfare. He chased one assailant and then another, being as often turned aside from his intended victims by the thorning of the other tormentors.

The champagne fizzed into the beer-glasses. "This is the life," said Fuselli. "Ye're damn right, buddy, if yer don't let them ride yer," said Dan. "What they got yer up for now, Dan?" "Murder." "Murder, hell! How's that?" "That is, if that bloke dies." "The hell you say!" "It all started by that goddam convoy down from Nantes...Bill Rees an' me.... They called us the shock troops. Hy! Marie!

The wind tapped angrily at the windows of Flint House, the rain fell stealthily, the sea made a droning uneasy sound. The fire which burnt on the kitchen hearth was a poor one, a sullen thing of green boughs and coal which refused to harmonize, but spluttered and fizzed angrily. The coal smouldered blackly, but sometimes cracked with a startling report.

We sees no animals and no snakes, and we goes along the banks of the stream, and at last we conies to a deep pool that bubbled and fizzed up like soda water, all over. "'The Source! he says; 'the Source! an' you could ha' 'eard 'is voice a mile off; 'the Water of Life! I bathed here this morning look at me!

It was all splendid. 'Now I must also give them a treat, thought the merchant's son. And so he bought rockets, crackers, and all the kinds of fireworks you can think of, put them in his trunk, and flew up with them into the air. Whirr-r-r, how they fizzed and blazed! All the Turks jumped so high that their slippers flew above their heads; such a splendid glitter they had never seen before.

Then everybody shouted and tried to haul up his anchor to get among the school, and fouled his neighbour's line and said what was in his heart, and dipped furiously with his dip-net, and shrieked cautions and advice to his companions, while the deep fizzed like freshly opened soda-water, and cod, men, and whales together flung in upon the luckless bait.

"As you shall now see me berform," he remarked, "viz zis simple abbaradus." The materials fizzed and fumed. The Professor stirred them. An unpleasant smell like burnt feathers pervaded the room. The scientific men craned their necks in their eagerness, and looked over one another; Vane-Vivian, in particular, was all attention.

The grass was long and dry. There was brush near by, and the pine-needle mats almost bordered the bank. I struck a match and dropped it. Sis-s-s! Flare! It was almost like dropping a spark into gunpowder. The flame ran quickly, reached the pine-needles, then sputtered and fizzed into a big blaze. The first pine-tree exploded and went off like a rocket.

One answered it was a raft of water, another that it was a boat of beef; this disagreement in the answers made the mate suspicious, who cried out Pirates, take to your arms my lads, and immediately clapped a match to a gun, which, as the priming was before wet by the treachery of Hugh Man, only fizzed.

The first match fizzed along the box as it was struck, and immediately went out. "Oh, do hurry up!" cried Emmy in a whisper, thinking he was still sporting with her. "Don't keep on larking about, Alf!" "I'm not!" indignantly answered the delinquent. "It wouldn't strike. Half a tick!"