United States or Rwanda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was fifteen at this time, and my sense of humor was as yet ill-developed. I was fond of "larking" and merry enough, but I hated being laughed at! At any rate, I could see no humor in Mr. Sothern's jokes at my expense. He played my lover in "The Little Treasure," and he was always teasing me pulling my hair, making me forget my part and look like an idiot. But for dear old Mr.

They, I think, had an unacknowledged feeling that while under school-boy, or collegiate, discipline as to times or manners, some relaxation of strict official correctness must be endured. Larking, sometimes uproarious, met with personal sympathy, if official condemnation. Nor did we resent being detected by what we regarded as fair means; to which we perhaps gave a pretty wide interpretation.

He soon came up with him, for the man had stopped rather behind, and was larking, as it is called, with some men, to whom he was a companion. He had slipped down a bank, and was partially sitting down on the soft mud. In his bustle, the little grocer came down with a slide, close to the big countryman.

"I should like to have one word with the tavern-keeper before I go," said Salvé. "And that is what we have not the slightest inclination for," said the American who, it now appeared, was boatswain on board in a dry tone of authority. "We are not going larking with the police. Besides, having once recovered that trifle of wages, I don't mean to risk losing it again."

And the housemaid came and scrubbed his nose with sand-paper; and once, when the Princess Angelica's little sister was born, he was tied up in an old kid-glove; and, another night, some LARKING young men tried to wrench him off, and put him to the most excruciating agony with a turn screw.

"His return from where?" "Why he was with them at Corfu, Malta, Cyprus I don't know where; yachting, spending Mitchy's money, 'larking, he called it I don't know what. He was with them for weeks." "Till Jane, you mean, called him in?" "I think it must have been that." "Well, that's better," said Van, "than if Mitchy had had to call him out." "Oh Mitchy !" Mrs. Brook comprehensively sounded.

"Father, father," urged the maiden, "calm yourself. Don't get so excited." "But, do you know anything about this? Tell me at once!" "Yes " "Yes, what? Don't stop. Go on," and the old man leaned forward so as not to miss a single word. "Oh, father, give me time," sobbed Nellie. "I will explain all. What will Mr. Larking think?" "True, true.

Thus tuned to gentle enjoyment, the fair mother and her lovely daughter leaned back in a delicious languor proper to their sex, and eyed with unflagging though demure interest, and furtive curiosity, the wealth of youth, beauty, stature, agility, gaiety, and good temper, the two great universities had poured out upon those obscure banks; all dressed in neat but easy-fitting clothes, cut in the height of' the fashion; or else in jerseys white or striped, and flannel trousers, and straw hats, or cloth caps of bright and various hues; betting, strolling, laughing, chaffing, larking, and whirling stunted bludgeons at Aunt Sally.

If there were a little larking about the piazzas in the evening, and a group here and there pretending to be merry over tall glasses with ice and straws in them, and lingering good-nights at the stairways, why should the aged and rheumatic make a note of it? Did they not also once prefer the dance to hobbling to the spring, and the taste of ginger to sulphur?

Even to the cricket-playing, larking boy at Eton there had now and then returned, with queer suddenness, recollections which gave him odd moments of resurrected misery. They passed away, but at long intervals they came back and always with absolute reality. At Oxford the intervals had been longer but a certain picture was one whose haunting never lost its clearness.