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At length, by-and-by, when his sister conies in, and the untruth is discovered, the boy is astonished and bewildered by being called to account in a very solemn manner by his mother on account of the awful wickedness of having told a lie! How the Child sees it.

It is stated that a French version of Mrs. Leicester's School, under the title Les Jeunes Pensionnaires, was published. I have seen, however, only Petits Conies

The country swarmed with conies, hogs, deer, and fowl, so that the men lived upon fresh meat, or upon the fish in the creeks, "whereof there was great plenty." The woods were full of wholesome fruits, though, perhaps, the water of the neighbouring rivers was not quite all that could be wished.

"The talk of the Ottawa chief is strange," returned the governor, emphatically and with dignity. "He says he conies to smoke the pipe of peace with the Saganaw, and yet he talks of spilling their blood as if it was water from the lake. What does the Ottawa mean?" "Ugh!" exclaimed the Indian, in his surprise. "My father is right, but the Ottawa and the Saganaw have not yet smoked together.

Off with you! Jack. No, Bill; no, please. I'm wery sorry. I ain't so bad's all that conies to. Bill. If you wants to go with Jim and me, then behave like a gen'leman. Jim. I calls our Mattie a brick! Bill. None o' your jaw, Jim! She ain't your Mattie. Enter THOMAS. Tho. Childer, dun yo know th' way to Paradise Row, or Road, or summat? Bill. Dunnow, sir. You axes at the Sunday-school. Tho.

Dizzying and deafening the ear with its sound; All at once, and all o'er, with mighty uproar And this way the water conies down at Lodore." Thus we reach the border of Derwentwater, nestling beneath the fells and crags, as its miniature surrounding mountains are called. Little wooded islets dimple the surface of the lake, in the centre being the largest, St.

When Rabbits abound they live on them but do not prosper; they call it "starving on rabbits." When Caribou meat is plenty they eat it, but crave flour. When Moose is at hand they eat it, and are strong. When Jack-fish, Sucker, Conies, and Trout are there, they take them as a variant; but on Whitefish, as on Moose, they can live with out loathing, and be strong.

"The stones were still in their native quarries had it been left to us to seek them; we are like the conies in the ruins, sir, the inheritors of what other hands have done." "Ay, and undone, I think, as well, for coming along I have noted axe chippings upon the walls, smudges of ancient fire and smoke upon the cornices."

He has got his bearings and will go as straight as though he was on a blazed trail; but he won't see the caribou until he conies to the edge of the open." Each minute now added to Rod's excitement. Each of those minutes brought the old warrior nearer his game. Seldom, thought Rod, had such a scene been unfolded to the eyes of a white boy.

Bright's misconception of culture, as a smattering of Greek and Latin, conies itself, after all, from this wonderful significance of the Greeks having affected the very machinery of our education, and is in itself a kind of homage to it. It is by thus making sweetness and light to be characters of perfection, that culture is of like spirit with poetry, follows one law with poetry.