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'That s' be as ye please, Miss Craig. But I wud lat you ca' me a' the ill names in the dictionar to get ye to heark to me! I'm tellin ye naething but what's true as death. 'I call no one names. I am always civil to my neighbours whoever they may be! I will not listen to you. 'Eh, lassie, there's but feow o' yer neebours ceevil to yer name, whatever they be to yersel!

Burns's shop, an' hauding a heap o' conference wi' im about them; an' I tell ye, sir, they're maistly a' di'mon's; an' the nummer o' thoosan' poun' they maun be worth gien they be worth a saxpence, I daurna guess!" "They'll be eneuch to pey oor debts ony gait, ye think, Cosmo?" "Ay, that wull they an' mony a hun'er times ower. They're maistly a guid size, an' no a feow o' them lairge."

He's sic a leveller as was feow afore 'im, I doobt, wi' his gowd ringt man, an' his cloot cled brither! He pat me in twa min's, my lord, whan I got up, whether I wad touch my bonnet to yer lordship or no." Malcolm laughed with hearty appreciation.

"Did ye fess this a' the road frae Spinnie to me, Curly?" "Ay did I, Annie. Ye see I dinna like rottans. But ye maun haud it oot o' their gait for a feow weeks, or they'll rive't a' to bits. It'll sune be a match for them though, I s' warran'. She comes o' a killin' breed." Annie took the kitten home, and it shared her bed that night.

I doobt they hae fared like maist o' the new fashions." "Hoo that?" "Grown some auld themsel's. There's a feow signs o' decrepitude, no to say degeneracy, amo' ye, isna there?" "I maun alloo that. At the first, things has a kin' o' a swing that carries them on. But the sons an' the dochters dinna care sae muckle aboot them as the fathers and mithers.

"She's some puir, like the lave o' 's, an' hasna muckle to spare, but the sheep get a feow nibbles upon her, here an' there; an' my mither manages to keep a coo, an' get plenty o' milk frae her tee." "Come, then, Nicie. We have plenty of time. Nobody wants either you or me, and we shall get home before any one misses us."

She was baith bonny and guid, and pleasant to the hert as to the sicht: she wad hae saved me gien I had been true til her! She was ane o' the Lord's makin, as he has made but feow!" "Whatfor didna she haud frae ye till ye had merried her than? Dinna tell me she didna lay hersel oot to mak a prey o' ye!" "Mother, i' that sayin ye hae sclandert yersel! I'll no say a word mair!"

"God bless ye, sir!" exclaimed Grizzie, and turned towards the house, entirely relieved and satisfied. "But eh, sir!" she cried, turning again, "ye haena broken yer fast the day!" "I'll be back in a feow minutes, an' mak a brakfast o' 't by or'nar'," answered Cosmo, and hastened away up the hill.

Na, na; gien I can be a schuilmaister, an' help the bairnies to be guid, as my mither taucht mysel', an' hae time to read, an' a feow shillin's to buy buiks aboot Aigypt an' the Holy Lan', an' a full an' complete edition o' Plato, an' a Greek Lexicon a guid ane, an' a Jamieson's Dictionar', haith, I'll be a hawpy man!

"What would be the first thing you would do, then, Malcolm, if you happened to turn out a great man after all?" said Florimel, seating herself in a huge library chair, whence, having arranged her skirt, she looked up in the young fisherman's face. "I doobt I wad hae to sit doon, an' turn ower the change a feow times afore I kent aither mysel' or what wad become me," he said.