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Second, every one of them was a leader in thought in some field of usefulness, and every such field is represented by at least one disappearance even the army, as General Fenimol, the Commander-in-Chief, and his whole family, are among the absentees. Third, and most remarkable, each such disappearance included an entire family, clear down to children and grand-children, however young.

In the highest disk of all, invisible always from the surface of the planet because of the all-enshrouding mist, were the apartments of the Emperor of that monstrous race. Seated upon low, heavily-built metal stools about the great table in the council-room were Fenor, Emperor of the Fenachrone; Fenimol, his General-in-Command, and the full Council of Eleven of the planet.

The Norlaminian scientists have found out how to direct and control pure forces without using the cumbersome and hindering material substance...." He broke off as the record from the torpedo stopped suddenly and the operator's voice came through a speaker. "General Fenimol! Scoutship K3296, patrolling the detector zone, wishes to give you an urgent emergency report.

Ravindau led the general through a door and into an airboat lying upon the terrace outside the laboratory. "Drive us at speed to your home, where we shall pick up your family." Fenimol took the controls and laid a ray to his home a ray serving a double purpose.

Viewing with infra-red light as they were, the fog presented no obstacle and the indescribable beauty of the city of concentric rings and the wonderfully luxuriant jungle growth were clearly visible. They plunged down into the council chamber, and saw Fenor, Ravindau, and Fenimol deep in conversation.

Others think that persons as powerful as Fenimol and Ravindau could have built any vessel they chose with neither the knowledge nor consent of the Department of Navigation, or that they could have stolen a Navy vessel, destroying its records; and that Ravindau certainly could have so neutralized the screens that they would have given no alarm.

Day after day and week after week went by, and the Fenachrone vessel still held the rate of motion with which she had started out. Ravindau and Fenimol sat in the control cabin, staring out through the visiplates, abstracted. There was no need of staring, and they were not really looking, for there was nothing at which to look.

General Fenimol, you will stay with me we shall consider together such other details as require attention." After the others had left the room Fenor turned to the general. "Have you any immediate suggestions?" "I would suggest sending at once for Ravindau, the Chief of the Laboratories of Science.

No, Fenimol, and you, Fenor of the Fenachrone, instant and headlong flight is our only hope of present salvation and of ultimate triumph flight to a far distant Galaxy, since upon no point in this one shall we be safe from the infra-beams of that self-styled Overlord." "You snivelling coward! You pusillanimous bookworm!"

Absolute nothingness a concept intrinsically impossible for the most highly trained human mind to grasp. Conscienceless and heartless monstrosities though they both were, by heredity and training, the immensity of the appalling lack of anything tangible oppressed them. Ravindau was stern and serious, Fenimol moody. Finally the latter spoke.