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'I was told, said he, 'that you were a perfect bookworm, Miss Grey: so completely absorbed in your studies that you were lost to every other pleasure. 'Yes, and it's quite true! cried Matilda. 'No, Mr. Weston: don't believe it: it's a scandalous libel.

We began to talk of the books on the stall, and turning away together continued our conversation. Christopherson was not only a well-bred but a very intelligent and even learned man. No, he had never written anything never; he was only a bookworm, he said. Thereupon he crowed faintly and took his leave. It was not long before we again met by chance.

Where erudition alone cannot suffice; where bookworm after bookworm, disdaining the conjectures of his predecessors, comes forward with a new theory founded on some forgotten document he has hunted out, only to find himself in his turn pushed into oblivion by some follower in his track, we must turn for guidance to some other light than that of scholarship; especially if, on strict investigation, we find that not one learned solution rests on a sound basis of fact.

I suppose you know you have the best man in all the world for your guardian? But it was a little unkind of your people, was it not, to give you into the keeping of a confirmed bookworm a savant with scarcely a thought beyond his studies?" "He could study me!" says she. "I should be a fresh specimen." "A rara avis, indeed! but not such as the professor's soul covets.

Stannard, was a legal fox who told his chief what to do and how to do it; a dried-up little man who looked like a bookworm, and sat boring you thru with his keen eyes, watching for your weak points and preparing to pierce you thru with one of his legal rapiers.

You were the beautiful wife of tutor Hilsenhoff, the buxom girl with the form of a Venus and the passion of that goddess as well, tied to a thin, pallid bookworm ten years your senior, neglecting his pouting wife with blood full of fire for the pages of the literature of Hindoostan, prating of the loves of Ganesha and Vishnu, when a goddess awaited his own neglectful arms.

"You in love!" And Steve could not restrain a laugh at the idea of the bookworm a slave to the tender passion. Quite unruffled, Mac leaned his chin in both hands, regarding them with a meditative eye as he answered in his whimsical way: "Why not?

But my neighbors said there was, and the widow Weltraum told me the girl's character would suffer. What could I do? Oh, yes, I recollect all now! I married her, that my old friend's child might have a roof to her head, and come to no harm. You see I was forced to do her that injury; for, after all, poor young creature, it was a sad lot for her. A dull bookworm like me, cochlea vitam agens, Mr.

'What an inveterate bookworm you are, Paul, and Belle looked at the pile of volumes Pauline had brought from the library to study in the long morning hours which the force of a lifelong habit gave her, before the rest of the family were astir. 'You forget I am an ignoramus, she answered quietly. 'I must do something to catch up. Belle shrugged her shoulders. 'What's the use?

It is about Raymond, as a matter of fact." "Ah, I'm not altogether surprised. Come into the study." Mr. Churchouse, carrying his new book, led the way and soon he heard of the younger man's anxieties. But the bookworm increased rather than allayed them. "Do you see anything of Raymond?" began Daniel. "A great deal of him. He often comes to supper. But I will be frank.