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Pearson, our assistant cashier, and Miss Patton, were the only persons in the bank at that time." "Then," said the detective, "suppose we have Mr. Pearson in at once, and hear the story from him. We always prefer," he added, with a smile, "to receive the particulars of these affairs from eye-witnesses." The other gentlemen nodded a cordial assent to this proposition, and Mr.

But if the stimulants, and not the original want of vitality, combined with morals utterly detestable, and worthy only of the gallows and here I know what I say, and dare not tell what I know, from eye-witnesses have been the cause of the Red Indians' extinction, then how is it, let me ask, that the Irishman and the Scotsman have, often to their great harm, been drinking as much whisky and usually very bad whisky not merely twice a year, but as often as they could get it, during the whole Iron Age, and, for aught anyone can tell, during the Bronze Age, and the Stone Age before that, and yet are still the most healthy, able, valiant, and prolific races in Europe?

"Duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed That rots itself in ease on Lethe wharf, Would'st thou not stir in this!" In the luminous rays of such a description, we are made eye-witnesses of the stirring dashing scene in all its circumstantial variety and general grandeur. What a sight it is, that steady advance with his "troops well in hand!"

They were eager to know all the country was keen-set to know eye-witnesses of events were duly appreciated. The scout had been at McDowell? "Yes, but not in the battle, the Stonewall Brigade not being engaged. 12th Georgia did best and the 44th Virginia. 12th Georgia held the crest. 'We didn't come all this way to hide from Yankees, he cried, and he rushed out and down upon them poor fellow!"

I have been a coward long enough. You may kill me if you like. I rather hope you will; but first I mean to pay you back some of the humiliation with which you have loaded me. I intend to thrash you as long as I remain in the saddle. I have been told by eye-witnesses that the chastisement was of brief duration, but while it lasted, I flatter myself, it was severe.

The printed sources on Coronado's march may be divided into two chronologically distinct classes, the first of which comprises documents written in New Mexico in the years from 1540 to 1543; these reflect all the advantages and disadvantages of the writings of eye-witnesses.

"A terrible thing, Miriam," said Hilda, growing paler than before. "Do you see it written in my face, or painted in my eyes?" inquired Miriam, her trouble seeking relief in a half-frenzied raillery. "I would fain know how it is that Providence, or fate, brings eye-witnesses to watch us, when we fancy ourselves acting in the remotest privacy. Did all Rome see it, then?

I shall confine myself to these two structures. So much for the statements of two eye-witnesses. Herrera gathered some additional particulars.

Miss Martineau, in her short account of the matter, which she heard in New Orleans and from eye-witnesses only a few years after it had occurred, conjectures that Madame Lalaurie's object in buying back these slaves was simply to renew her cruelties upon them.

Herschel, with the certificates of the civil and military authorities of the colony, and of several Episcopal, Wesleyan, and other ministers, who in the month of March last were permitted, under stipulation of temporary secrecy, to visit the observatory, and become eye-witnesses of the wonders which they were requested to attest.