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Throughout the whole of our narrative we have been faithful to circumstances where the interests of the truth required that we should be just and impartial. In this connection we have been guided solely by personal knowledge and the evidence of respectable eye-witnesses; and by official documents of the campaign, the veracity of which are beyond any question whatever.

But when these men did not turn up at the next point on the trail, and O'Brien did, the Police began rapid investigation. If there were no eye-witnesses in the case a web of circumstantial evidence would have to be woven around the figure of the fourth man of the party if the facts that would emerge justified it.

It was an obscure night in early May. An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon. If the same multitude which had stood as eye-witnesses while Hester Prynne sustained her punishment could now have been summoned forth, they would have discerned no face above the platform nor hardly the outline of a human shape, in the dark grey of the midnight.

He multiplied bread and wine, calmed a tempest, drove out devils, caused the lame to walk and the blind to see all of which are duly attested by eye-witnesses on oath. And, like all too many saints, he duly fell into the clutches of the Inquisition, ever on the look-out for victims pious or otherwise. There is one little detail which it would be disingenuous to slur over. It is this.

"I was amused with the account of this adventure given by various officers who were eye-witnesses.

They were villains for no end but to teach honesty, and martyrs without the least prospect of honour or advantage. The Gospels which bear the names of Mark and Luke, although not the narratives of eye-witnesses, are, if genuine, removed from that only by one degree.

I might multiply any number of descriptions of seppuku from literature or from the relation of eye-witnesses; but one more instance will suffice. Two brothers, Sakon and Naiki, respectively twenty-four and seventeen years of age, made an effort to kill Iyéyasu in order to avenge their father's wrongs; but before they could enter the camp they were made prisoners.

It seemed almost unendurable that the king had constrained himself to stand on the balcony of the palace with his head bared, holding his helmet in his hand, while the procession passed. The effect of this act upon the loyal citizens of Berlin can scarcely be described. I have seen men even our humble Kurschner weep during the account of it by eye-witnesses.

LIKEWISE, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, even if some obey not the word, by their wives' conduct without the word, they may be won over; being eye-witnesses of your chaste behaviour with timidity.

We shall evoke the memory of the dead to revive this vanished court, and we shall consult, one after another, the persons who were eye-witnesses of these short-lived wonders.