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Now, however, we were about to enter upon a region totally unknown, of which no authentic accounts from eye-witnesses unless we count the vague reports of natives had ever reached us; valleys unexplored; deserts unaffronted; countries which no European had ever surveyed.

Had it befallen a Whig, they would have said it was done on purpose. The Author of Waverley has been charged with painting the young Adventurer in colours more amiable than his character deserved. But having known many individuals who were near his person, he has been described according to the light in which those eye-witnesses saw his temper and qualifications.

Those who would vote upon their conduct, instead of judging the facts as eye-witnesses like themselves and not from what they might hear from hostile critics, would simply be guided by the calumnies of the first clever speaker; while many, indeed most, of the soldiers on the spot, who now so loudly proclaimed the danger of their position, when they reached Athens would proclaim just as loudly the opposite, and would say that their generals had been bribed to betray them and return.

We shall best gain an insight into the national and religious life of that time by gleaning from the Annals the vivid and living pictures they never fail to give, pictures which are the records of eye-witnesses.

Merlin inquired, looking maliciously from Finot to Lucien. A joke is like a bit of thread; if it is spun too fine, it breaks, as Bonaparte said." "Gentlemen," said Lousteau, "we have been eye-witnesses of a strange, portentous, unheard-of, and truly surprising phenomenon. Admire the rapidity with which our friend here has been transformed from a provincial into a journalist!"

I have often compared the book's version of events with what was said by those who saw what happened with their own eyes, and beyond a doubt I have seen that neither testimony was discordant with the other. Whatever I have added, I have learned from eye-witnesses, or have found out for myself.

That account must be looked upon as the invention of some copyist, or possibly of the translator of the original work, at a time when men who had been eye-witnesses to the actual facts of the Resurrection were becoming scarce, and when it was felt that some more unmistakably miraculous account than that given in the other three Gospels would be a comfort and encouragement to succeeding generations.

The ground was burnt to the very sod; all harvest utterly cleared away; starvation in its most grisly forms again began to stalk the land; the people perished by tens of thousands, and the tales told by eye-witnesses of what they themselves had seen at this time are too sickening to be allowed needlessly to blacken these pages. As a policy nothing, however, could be more brilliantly successful.

Others, again, were enraptured with green; and eye-witnesses describe this rage for colours as so extraordinary, that they can scarcely find words with which to express their astonishment.

'But do you really believe, sir, all that is written about this wonderful tree? inquired Harry Maitland, who had been making a sketch of the said tree, from the description which his uncle had been reading to them. 'Certainly, I do believe all that is stated of it, replied Mr. Maitland. 'Why should I doubt well-accredited writers and eye-witnesses?