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He was distraught and nervous, but he managed to quote Horace by way of reply: "Destrictus ensis cui super impia Cervice pendet, non Siculae dapes. . . ." The Canon's fondness for Horace accounts, I suppose, for the name he gave his daughter. His habit of quoting is troublesome to me; because I cannot always translate what he says.

Et quanquam ad pulcherrimum hoc opus evertendum, tres illi Dii conspirabunt, CHRONUS, VULCANUS, et PATER ipse gentis. Non tamen annorum series, non flamma, nec ensis; AEternum potuit hoc abolere Decus.

Districtus ensis cui super impia Ceruice pendet, non Siculæ dapes Dulcem elaborabunt saporem, Non auium cytharæq. cantus. This hap lifted the Welshmen into high pride, and increased meruelouslie their wicked and presumptuous attempts.

"Cum Petri nihil efficiant ad proelia claves, Auxilio Pauli forsitan ensis erit." "Since the keys of Peter profit not for battle, perchance, with the aid of Paul, the sword will answer." Julius was the first of the Popes of recent times to allow his beard to grow, and Raphael's noble portrait of him shows what dignity it gave to his strongly marked face.

This light-armed people, relying more on their activity than on their strength, cannot struggle for the field of battle, enter into close engagement, or endure long and severe actions, such as the poet describes: "Jam clypeo clypeus, umbone repellitur umbo, Ense minax ensis, pede pes, et cuspide cuspis."

A man himself strikes much surer than the air can direct his blow: "Et, quo ferre velint, permittere vulnera ventis Ensis habet vires; et gens quaecumque virorum est, Bella gerit gladiis."