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"'Centum fronte oculos, centum cervice gerebat Argus, et hos unus saepe fefellit amor." But there was something about Myrtle, he hardly knew whether to call it dignity, or pride, or reserve, or the mere habit of holding back brought about by the system of repression under which she had been educated, which kept even the old Master of Arts at his distance.

He was distraught and nervous, but he managed to quote Horace by way of reply: "Destrictus ensis cui super impia Cervice pendet, non Siculae dapes. . . ." The Canon's fondness for Horace accounts, I suppose, for the name he gave his daughter. His habit of quoting is troublesome to me; because I cannot always translate what he says.

And in another piece the hearers are expected to understand the following description -Quadrupes tardigrada agrestis humilis aspera, Capite brevi, cervice anguina, aspectu truci, Eviscerata inanima cum animali sono-. To which they naturally reply -Ita saeptuosa dictione abs te datur, Quod conjectura sapiens aegre contuit; Non intellegimus, nisi si aperte dixeris-.

I accordingly introduce here for such comparison Roger's chapter on wounds of the neck, and the corresponding chapter of Gilbert. Roger says: "De vulnere quod fit in cervice. "Si vero cum ense vel alio simili in cervice vulnus fiat, ita quod vena organica incidatur, sic est subveniendum. In vulnere autem pannus infusus mittatur, non tamen de ipso vulnus multum impleatur.

Clinging with his toes and one hand, while he wiped his dripping forehead with his sleeve, he looked up and saw the whole height of the mountain, unbroken and daunting, stretched skyward above him. But to Horner the solemn sight was not daunting in the least. "Gee!" he exclaimed, grinning with satisfaction. "I hev circumvented that there cervice, sure's death!"

"Nec nisi bellantis gaudet cervice juvenci" stops when it sees the enemy at its mercy; but pusillanimity, to say that it was also in the game, not having dared to meddle in the first act of danger, takes as its part the second, of blood and massacre.

Again, on November 12, he writes to Goring: To Mr. Stouf. 'November 12. 'I am extremely concerned for yr health, and you cannot do me a greater Cervice than in taking care of yrself for I am not able to spare any of my true friends. Dr. King, as we have said, accuses Charles of AVARICE. Charles II., in exile, would not, he says, have left a friend in want.

Up to Lamprey, gives us at once a complete idea of the length, breadth, and thickness of the wound, without the assistance of the coroner. It reminds us of a passage in Virgil "Cervice orantis capulo tenus abdidit ensem." "Up to the hilt his shining falchion sheathed."

What can be more truly statuesque? "Belli fera moenera Mavors Armipotens regit, in gremium qui saepe tuum se Reiicit aeterno devictus volnere amoris: Atque ita suspiciens tereti cervice reposta Pascit amore avidos inhians in te, dea, visus, Eque tuo pendet resupini spiritus ore.

"'Centum fronte oculos, centum cervice gerebat Argus, et hos unus saepe fefellit amor." But there was something about Myrtle, he hardly knew whether to call it dignity, or pride, or reserve, or the mere habit of holding back brought about by the system of repression under which she had been educated, which kept even the old Master of Arts at his distance.