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He will lie by the rule of three, and then retract all that he has said, without the least regard for himself or others. I have heard of him a number of times, and now think that I shall live to see him punished." "I 'opes you vill live a thousand years, lieutenant, but I also 'opes you'll not joke over my misfortunes. I've 'elped the gentlemen, and now I'm to be punished for it."

Pore Sam and Peter was 'elped along by the others; Sam being carried and Peter led, and both of 'em with the idea of getting all they could out of it, making such 'orrible noises that Mr. Sutton couldn't hear 'imself calling his friends names. "There seems to be wounded men calling out all over the place," he ses, in a temper.

She jumped too, and, arter the conductor had 'elped 'er up off of 'er knees and taken her arms away from his waist, I'm blest if he didn't turn on me and ask me why I 'adn't left her at 'ome. We got to the wharf just afore six. The John Henry 'ad gorn, but the skipper 'ad done all the 'arm he could afore he sailed, and, if I 'adn't kept my temper, I should ha' murdered arf a dozen of 'em.

Roarings, then, 'as only got me to thank for the present 'appy state o' things. 'What do you mean? I asked, only half interested. 'Well, it's like this yeer, answered Elizabeth, 'I see from the very first that Mr. Roarings an' Miss Marryun were just suited to each other. The trouble was they didn't see it theirselves, an' so I 'elped to open their eyes like. 'Explain, I commanded.

She jumped too, and, arter the conductor had 'elped 'er up off of 'er knees and taken her arms away from his waist, I'm blest if he didn't turn on me and ask me why I 'adn't left her at 'ome. We got to the wharf just afore six. The John Henry 'ad gorn, but the skipper 'ad done all the 'arm he could afore he sailed, and, if I 'adn't kept my temper, I should ha' murdered arf a dozen of 'em.

'Ah, for sure! says I. 'Humph! says the doctor, 'what wi' 'is eyes, an' 'is nose, an' 'is lip, looks to me as if some one 'ad 'elped 'im. 'Then you must be a dam' fool! says a voice, an' there's my gentleman Number One, you know, a-sittin' up in bed an' doin' 'is 'ardest to frown. 'Sir? says the doctor. 'Sir! to you, says my gentleman, 'this honest fellow tells the truth.

A week arterwards, as Ginger was being 'elped out of a pawnshop by Peter, he said 'e would give all he 'adn't got for the locket to be near enough to Sam to hear 'im laugh agin. My biggest fault, said the night-watchman, gloomily, has been good nature. I've spent the best part of my life trying to do my fellow- creeturs a good turn. And what do I get for it?

When the lions roared she squeezed his arm, and when they 'ad an elephant ride she was holding on to 'im with both 'ands. "I am enjoying myself," she ses, as Ginger 'elped her down and said "whoa" to the elephant. "I know it's wicked, but I can't 'elp it, and wot's more, I'm afraid I don't want to 'elp it."

Besides, I must go arter your meeting's over an watch the 'ouse till I see the gal an' make sure that it's her, for Sally may have bin mistook, you know." "You don't know her name, do you?" asked Robin; "it wasn't Edie Willis, now, was it?" "'Ow should I know 'er name?" answered the Slogger. "D'you think I stopped to inquire w'en I 'elped to relieve 'er of 'er propity?" "Ah, I suppose not.

None of 'em seemed to be able to believe that the lottery could be all over so soon, and Bob Pretty going off with it, and when they did make up their minds to it, it was one o' the most miserable sights you ever see. The idea that they 'ad been paying a pint a week for Bob Pretty for months nearly sent some of 'em out of their minds. "It can't be 'elped," ses Mr. Smith.