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"Eels!" ejaculates the gaucho. "Eels! Surely you're jesting?" queries the incredulous youth. "No, indeed," is the hurried rejoinder. "I only wish it were a jest. It's not, but a dire, dangerous earnest. Santissima!" he cries out, in addition, as a shock like that of a galvanic battery causes him to shake in his saddle, "that's a lightning eel, for sure!

As it does so, Bloxam's pistol is discharged in the air, and the performers remain unmovable till once more masked from the view of the spectators. "A duel!" exclaims Miss Evesham; "what are we to make of that?" "No, no, that won't do," ejaculates the Squire: "he has missed missed, don't you see? Can't be quite right; but that's the idea." "I have it," rejoins Miss Evesham; "you are right, Mr.

Sir Leicester leans back in his chair, and breathlessly ejaculates, "Good heaven!" "Now, Sir Leicester Dedlock, Baronet," Mr. Bucket begins, standing over him with one hand spread out on the library-table and the forefinger of the other in impressive use, "it's my duty to prepare you for a train of circumstances that may, and I go so far as to say that will, give you a shock.

Hamersley feels as if fresh blood had been infused into his veins; and he is ready to spring to his feet at the same time as his comrade. "Frank! d'ye think ye kin go a little furrer now?" is the interrogatory put by the hunter. "Yes, Walt; miles further," is the response. "I feel as if I could walk across the grandest spread of prairie." "Good!" ejaculates the guide.

He was bent on pleasure. "Hey, lads!" says he; "but we'll make a night of it. We haven't had a night since the farewell dinner off Plymouth." "And a jolly night it was, James," ejaculates the Colonel. "Egad, what a song that Tom Norris sings!" "And your 'Jock o' Hazeldean' is as good as a play, Jack."

Only a slight noise it was, but one in that place of peculiar significance, being the hoof-stroke of a horse. "Good!" he ejaculates in a whisper, "it must be his." Hearkening a little longer, he hears the sound again, apparently further off, and as his practised ear tells him, the distance increasing. "It must be his horse," he reiterates, still continuing to listen.

Her mother was, of course, ignorant of how matters stood, and could therefore be no guide for her in this affair. Captain Bloxam, arriving at his quarters to dress for mess after a hard afternoon's racquets, finds Mrs. Wriothesley's note lying on his table. "Will I dine on Wednesday, go to the play, and come back to supper afterwards? Will I not?" ejaculates Jim.

"That sort of thing's got to stop," declares Mr. Crewe; "I'm a candidate for the Republican nomination for representative." "I want to know!" ejaculates Mr. Jenney, pulling his beard. One would never suspect that this has been one of Mr. Jenney's chief topics of late. "I'll see that the interests of this town are cared for." "Let's see," says Mr.

'Pshaw, this will never do, ejaculates Maguire; 'terms irrationally high! Captain Kollas 'knows nothing of what is IN the Paper; and is charged only to bring a Written Answer from Excellenz. Excellenz, before writing, 'will have to consult with Durchlaucht; can, however, as if confidentially and from feelings of friendship, can assure you, Sir, on my honor, That the Garrison will be delivered to the Croats, and every man of it put to the sword.

"Fancy," I echo, dreamily. "How many fishes?" persists Halicarnassus. "Fishes?" says the echo. "Yes, fishes," repeats Halicarnassus, in a louder tone. "Yes, it must have been the fishes," murmurs the echo. "Goodness gracious me!" ejaculates Halicarnassus, with the voice of a giant; "how many fishes have you caught?" "Oh! yes," waking up and hastening to appease his wrath; "eight, chiefly cod."