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She would only give me 'accidenti' if I did, and that is so unlucky! To-morrow I must make the signorina search that box. There will be a white dress and a veil. I dreamed so. Good dreams come from heaven. I have had a candle lighted for luck before the Santissima in the market-place, and fresh flowers put into the pots.

Gibraltar, 29th April 1801. List of the armament fitting out at Cadiz. Guns. Santissima Trinidada 140 Atlante 80 Ferrivel 80 San Antonio 80 Suberano 80 San Justo 74 San Januario 80 Intrepido 80 Firme 80 The above ships are commanded by French officers, and probably, therefore, are those which are alluded to as having been ceded to France. Guns Guns A. Real de St. Carlos 120 Bergantina St.

There is enough breeze to sail. Run up the sail! Madonna Santissima! We shall not be to Naples till it is night. Avanti! avanti!" Then he lay back, crossed his arms behind his head, and, with an effort, closed his eyes. He was determined to be calm, not to let himself go. He put his fingers on his pulse. "That cursed fever! I believe it is coming back," he said to himself.

Accordingly, the Loreto police sought the offender, but, in the compartment where he had travelled, found no person; there, however, lay a letter couched in these terms: "He who was in this waggon under the guise of a humble friar, has now ascended into the arms of his Santissima Madre Maria.

"The Holy Father who succeeds him may not undo his acts of mercy?" "Yes, yes, it is true," Santorio assented, waiting eagerly for the sequence. A little color had crept into her cheeks; her hands were burning; they grasped the physician's arm like a vise; the change was alarming. "The edict cannot hurt my baby! Santissima Maria, thou hast saved him!" she cried.

"First, then, Antonio; I have sworn to escort the Lady of the Giustiniani in safety to Rome, from which naught shall keep me save if the Ten have other plans, the Madonna doth forgive the broken vow!" It was a strange admission from a man stalwart and fearless like Piero, but he made it without shame, as a soldier acquiescing in destiny. "Santissima Maria!"

"Thou wast in the prison, in quest of forbidden articles that thou hadst long left with thy cousin Gelsomina, the keeper's daughter, who little suspected thy errand, and on whose innocence and ignorance of the world thou hast long successfully practised. Donna Violetta is no vulgar prisoner, to be immured in a jail." "Santissima Madre di Dio!"

He had filled the part so often, at the appeal of one good friend and another, that he had sworn never again to be caught, cajoled, or hired. He could have hated the Ghiberti doors had such a thing not been impossible. He did rather hate the Santissima Annunziata. And now it was all to do over again. It might be adduced, as a mitigation of his misfortune, that this was different.

Four line-of-battle ships had now been taken, and the Santissima Trinidada had also struck; but she subsequently made her escape, for now the Spanish leeward division, fourteen sail, having re-formed their line, bore down to support their commander-in-chief: to receive them, Sir John Jervis was obliged to form a line of battle on the starboard tack the enemy immediately retired.

Somebody called for Gordigiani's O Santissima Vergine, a favourite song of "la Canti." The singer rose again to her feet. The low, pulsing accompaniment sounded on the strings, and presently the voice began, with a softly vibrating tone, different from the resonant quality which had first attracted the listeners. "O Santissima Vergine Maria!"