United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The second candle was lit, and stuck in the rough wooden carrying-stick, the other was taken from the crack in the stone and treated the same. "Won't go no furrer, then, Master Mark?" said the boy. "No, not to-day," said Mark decisively, as he looked round the chamber, and then stooped to take a draught of the clear water, an example Dummy followed. "Ready, Master Mark?" "Yes, lead on.

Joe had a bow-and-arrow in his hand, and said, "He's a good furrer 'orse, eh, Dad? Smith SAID you could n't pull him out of it." Shall I ever forget the look on Dad's face! He brandished the scraper and sprang wildly at Joe and yelled, "Damn y', you WHELP! what do you want here?" Joe left. The horse lay in the furrow. Blood was dropping from its mouth.

She found her daughter standing beside the door of the parlour engaged in a desultory conversation with Peter Furrer. Prudence hailed her mother with an air of relief, and the monumental Peter moved heavily away. "Oh, mother dear, it's too bad of you," exclaimed the girl, gazing at her critically. "And after all the trouble I took with your cap! Look at it now.

"Thar's no fear o' them comin' arter us any furrer, I reck'n," says the old sealer, in a glad voice. "'Tain't likely that their country runs far in this direction." "And we may thank the Almighty for it," is Captain Gancy's grateful rejoinder. "Surely never was His hand more visibly extended for the protection of poor mortals! Let us thank Him, all!"

"I was just goin' to say, 'How'd ye leave everybody?" said Doane; "but that kind o' seemed to bring up them he'd left. I felt real bad, though, to hev the feller go off 'thout none on us speakin' to him. He's got a hard furrer to plough; and yet I don't s'pose there's much harm in him, 'f Eliphalet only keeps quiet." "Eliphalet!" said a young sailor, contemptuously. "No fear o' him!

"I've got somethin' to say to you, capt'n," said he, drawing near, and speaking in a serious tone; "it's better, may be, ye shed know it afore we go furrer. The girl's been givin' me some partickalers o' the caravan that I hain't told you." "What girl?" "The Chicasaw Su-wa-nee." "Oh true. What says she? Some pleasant news I may anticipate, since she has been the bearer of them?"

"I weesh I only had my old gun; she'd a sent a bullet furrer than that. A blue pill inter his stomach 'ud simplerfy matters consid'rable. 'Tall events it 'ud git your gurl out o' danger, and mayhap all on 'em. I b'lieve the hul clanjamfery o' them spangled jay birds 'ud run at hearin' a shot.

Hamersley feels as if fresh blood had been infused into his veins; and he is ready to spring to his feet at the same time as his comrade. "Frank! d'ye think ye kin go a little furrer now?" is the interrogatory put by the hunter. "Yes, Walt; miles further," is the response. "I feel as if I could walk across the grandest spread of prairie." "Good!" ejaculates the guide.

Then only a "darkey" with an ox-cart loaded with wood; but, despairing of information from such a source, I declined detaining him. The only intelligence I was able to draw from the negro was that; "da `city' o' Swampville, massr, he lay 'bout ten mile furrer down da crik."

They spoke well and frequently; and their dancing eyes and ready laugh indicated spirits at concert pitch. These three were great friends of Prudence, and were loud in their admiration of her. Peter Furrer, their brother, was with them; he was a red-faced boy of about seventeen, a giant of flesh, and a pigmy of intellect outside of farming operations. Mrs.