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Each apostle based her claim on the superior virtue and attainments of her clergy, and clinched the business with a threat of hell-fire. "Pas bong prêtres ici," said the Presbyterian, "bong prêtres en Écosse." And the postmaster's daughter, taking up the same weapon, plied me, so to speak, with the butt of it instead of the bayonet.

Pardieu, I believe you take them away in your pockets." "That must have been because you left me nothing else in them, Chevalier," answered Lord Dalgarno; but Monsieur le Chevalier, I pray you to know my countryman and friend, Lord Glenvarloch!" "Ah, ha! tres honore Je m'en souviens, oui. J'ai connu autrefois un Milor Kenfarloque en Ecosse.

The Neutrals were again called upon to take the oath, the following being the form in which it was presented to them: "Je promets et jure sincerement, en foi de Chrétien, que je serai entierement fidele et obeirai vraiment sa Majesté Le Roi George, que je reconnais pour le Souverain seigneur de l'Acadie, ou nouvelle Ecosse ainsi Dieu me soit en aide."

Pour un chef politique, il avait un grave défaut. Sa mémoire des visages était très faible. Il se rencontra une fois en Ecosse chez un ami commun avec le jeune Lord D...., depuis comte de S.... Le jeune homme lui plut par sa personne et par ses opinions whig. Quand vint l'heure de la séparation, Lord John dit

Pour ne point oublier non plus, je vous demande la permission de vous dire ici que le R. P. Provincial d'Angleterre a accueilli, avec le plus grand desir de vous satisfaire, la priere que vous avez bien voulu me communiquer, d'etablir un de nos Peres chez vous en Ecosse. Le P. Etheridge, provincial actuel, doit arriver demain a Londres. Ce matin nous etions tous heureux pres de cet autel.

Each apostle based her claim on the superior virtue and attainments of her clergy, and clenched the business with a threat of hell-fire. 'Pas bong pretres ici, said the Presbyterian, 'bong pretres en Ecosse. And the postmaster's daughter, taking up the same weapon, plied me, so to speak, with the butt of it instead of the bayonet.

Manners, government, religion, domestic life, and the state of agriculture, the arts, sciences, manufactures, and of literature in general, all fall within the observation of our author, and are treated of fully, and with fewer mistakes and prejudices than Frenchmen generally discover when writing on England. Voyage en Ecosse, &c. Par L.A. Necker-Saussure. Paris, 1821. 3 vols. 8vo.

The General had picked up a horseshoe on the street at Ypres and given it to me to bring me luck; the Commandant had the framed pictures. The General carried the gargoyle wrapped in a newspaper. I had the nose of the shell. We walked through the courtyard, with its broken fountain and cracked walks, out to the machine. The password for the night was "Écosse," which means "Scotland."

This author frequently visited England, and resided here for some time: his work relates to our commerce, finances, naval and military force, religious opinions, literature, arts and manufactures, and physical and moral character. Voyage de trois Mois en Angleterre, en Ecosse, et en Irlande. Par M.A. Pictet. Paris, 1802. 8vo.