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Did I say that Jeff shaved in the same old way? Not quite. There was something even dreamier about it now, and a sort of new element in the way Jeff fell out of his monotone into lapses of thought that I, for one, misunderstood. I thought that perhaps getting so much money, well, you know the way it acts on people in the larger cities.

She necessarily supposed the excess of his peculiarities to be an effect of the portrait, and would have had him, according to her ideas of a young man of some depth of feeling, dreamier. On the contrary, he talked sheer commonplace.

I went from one to the other without any system whatever, searching for the ideal resting-place, and often thinking that I had found it: but only wearying of it at the thought that there was a yet deeper and dreamier in the world. But in this search I received a check, my God, which chilled me to the marrow, and set me flying from these places.

Sladden seemed higher above the city than any cathedral gargoyle, yet one clear detail he obtained as a clue: the banners floating from every tower over the idle archers had little golden dragons all over a pure white field. He heard motor-buses roar by his other window, he heard the newsboys howling. Mr. Sladden grew dreamier than ever after that on the premises, in the establishment of Messrs.

Meryl grew dreamier with every day, though sometimes her eyes were sad as she looked out over the country, as if she already loved it with a love that was akin to pain.

The fantastic melodies of wandering gypsy songs went throbbing through the room; rollicking gavots, Hungarian dances, low and slumbrous nocturnes. As the music grew sadder and dreamier, the smoker moved uneasily. Somehow, it gripped his heart; and the long years of loneliness returned and overwhelmed him.

But the inhabitants of this dreamy little country do not like to be called dreamy. As I understand the word, it is a compliment better deserved by my own countrymen; but the Hollanders themselves feel flattered, though quite erroneously, when I casually remark at the club that the Italians are a much dreamier people than they.

Here the boy's eyes looked dreamier than they had looked, and further off. "Was I made out of dirt, uncle Josiah?" "Yes: we are all made out of dust." "And did God breathe our souls into us? Was it His own self, His own life, that was breathed into us?" "Yes," says Josiah, in a more fagged voice than he had used durin' the intervue, and more hopelesser.

Thomas's as maid of honour, her eyes went dreamier still. And yet if you had been there I think you might have seen the least trace of a shadow in their depths just the least suspicion of a wavering, unguessed doubt.

Things was made dreamier by the looks and doings of the Sage-Brush Hen. She was the only lady of the town, the Hen was, who took part in the ceremonies and likely it was just about as well, for the sake of keeping clear of surprises, the rest of 'em laid low.