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Sladden saw a company of pikemen running down the cobbled road towards the gateway of the mediaeval city Golden Dragon City he used to call it alone in his own mind, but he never spoke of it to anyone. The next thing that he noticed was that the archers were handling round bundles of arrows in addition to the quivers which they wore.

Sladden had the reputation of being the silliest young man in Business; a touch of romance a mere suggestion of it would send his eyes gazing away as though the walls of the emporium were of gossamer and London itself a myth, instead of attending to customers. Merely the fact that the dirty piece of paper that wrapped the old man's parcel was covered with Arabic writing was enough to give Mr.

And chance alone could have done as much as that for me. But I do not tell this to Chu-bu. The old man in the Oriental-looking robe was being moved on by the police, and it was this that attracted to him and the parcel under his arm the attention of Mr. Sladden, whose livelihood was earned in the emporium of Messrs. Mergin and Chater, that is to say in their establishment. Mr.

Nor do the most representative Socialists altogether disagree with Sladden. They, too, feel that if the war is not levied against individuals, neither is it levied against a mere abstract system, but against a ruling class.

Heads were thrust out of windows more than usual, a woman ran out and called some children indoors, a knight rode down the street, and then more pikemen appeared along the walls, and all the jack-daws were in the air. In the street no troubadour sang. Mr. Sladden took one look along the towers to see that the flags were flying, and all the golden dragons were streaming in the wind.

Sladden broke the panes of the wonderful window and wrenched away with a poker the lead that held them.

It was where his cupboard had been in which he kept his tea-things: they were all standing on the table now. When Mr. Sladden glanced through his new window it was late in a summer's evening; the butterflies some while ago would have closed their wings, though the bat would scarcely yet be drifting abroad but this was in London: the shops were shut and street-lamps not yet lighted. Mr.

He has an interest to conserve, he has that additional skill for which he receives compensation in addition to his ordinary labor power." Mr. Sladden adds that the real proletarian is "uncultured and uncouth in appearance," that he has "no manners and little education," and that his religion is "the religion of hate."

Make your puff paste; roll it out; place your prunes on the paste, sprinkling with a little sugar on top; then roll smoothly. Bake in a steady heat and serve hot with hard butter sauce, or very rich wine sauce. From MRS. HATTIE E. SLADDEN, of Oregon, Alternate Lady Manager.

Sladden seemed higher above the city than any cathedral gargoyle, yet one clear detail he obtained as a clue: the banners floating from every tower over the idle archers had little golden dragons all over a pure white field. He heard motor-buses roar by his other window, he heard the newsboys howling. Mr. Sladden grew dreamier than ever after that on the premises, in the establishment of Messrs.