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So much for the man who came from Europe to wreck America. Now look at the Man Who Went to Europe to Save America and is now back on the west side of the Statue of Liberty. Does he look interested in Bolshevism Or downhearted over America? No. In his figure a manful contrast to the scraggly agitator. In his face no hate, no malice. He does not even hate the self-deluded agitator.

I can't understand it; Miss Molly, to my eyes, is much the most taking! 'Mr. Russell is our landlord, responded Mrs. Giles; 'he's a proper sort o' gentleman, and he won't hurt the child by a-paintin' of her. He lives all alone since his little girl died, and maybe she'll cheer him up; he's very downhearted, folks say.

It is worth a winter trip across the Atlantic to stand with a London audience and hear it respond to the call, "Are we downhearted?" with a thunderous "NO!" It is then you first realize that the British Empire is at war; and what that war means; and that that Empire has piped to its defense a free people inhabiting one fifth of the territory of the globe.

"You do not enjoy yourself with us, Monsieur Julien," said he, kindly; "I can't bear to see you so downhearted. You are ruining yourself with poring all day long over your books, and the worst of it is, they do not take the frowns out of your face. Take my word for it, you must change your way of living, or you will be ill.

But I don't believe much in YOUR being lonely. That's only fancy." "Perhaps so. Most feelings of this kind are only fancies." There was a pause. Then Cashel said, "I don't feel half so downhearted as I did a minute ago. Are you sure that you're not angry with me?" "Quite sure. Pray let me say good-bye." "And may I never see you again? Never at all? world without end, amen?"

Just imagine the lamentation throughout the world if love, like the couturière set fashions for the seasons! "Love dictates that women, this season, shall resemble the dazzling peaks of the Himalayas." And we looking as the majority of us do look! Not that we should really be downhearted about it. Not a bit.

"Say I will come down directly," he almost gasped, and to divert the maid's attention, he hammered sharply on his work-bench, gazing dejectedly at his companion the while, as they both listened to the girl's descending footsteps. "Don't be downhearted," he whispered. "It may mean nothing. I'll lock you in and go down.

I am terribly ashamed and downhearted. I have tried to conceal my grief, even from you; but it is impossible. I love you as much as I ever loved you, and I swear to you that I have never once wavered. "Grim circumstance forced me to write to you as I did. Forgive me, I beg of you. If it is true what Mr. Flockart says, then send me a telegram, and come here to see me.

So much for the morning, but the day passed and the devil anyone looked near me, and from all I knew of natives in other islands I thought this strange. But when the day went, and no business came at all, I began to get downhearted; and, about three in the afternoon, I went out for a stroll to cheer me up.

"It's bad enough right as it is without you boys wantin' it any worse. But don't you get downhearted, Dave. We're allowin' to stand by you to a finish. It ain't as if you'd got a good man. Doble was a mean-hearted scoundrel if ever I met up with one. He's no loss to society. We're goin' to show the jury that too." They did.