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All her little life Tattine's Mother had been setting things straight for her, drying every tear, and unravelling every tangle, so that Tattine was pretty downhearted the day she discovered that there were some things that were quite beyond even her Mother's power to alter. It was on a lovely June morning that Tattine made the first of her unwelcome discoveries.

We can give you some." "My mistake," he said. That was all he said, except the word "Thanks" when I reached him a box. "He's a surly creature," Tish observed as he crackled through the brush again. "More than likely that girl's better off without him." "He looks rather downhearted," Aggie remarked. "Much that we think is temper is due to unhappiness."

"Alas, father!" replied the crestfallen lover, "there is that written on her brow which says she loves me well enough to be my Valentine, especially since you wish it, but not well enough to be my wife." "Now, a plague on thee for a cold, downhearted goosecap," answered the father. "I can read a woman's brow as well, and better, than thou, and I can see no such matter on hers.

It only needed "God save Ireland" to have completed the drama, but they knew they would be stopped if they began, and, instead, one of them cried out "Are we downhearted?" and immediately every voice, clear and resonant, answered in one ringing "No!"

Alphonse Karr, a resident of many years, who knows every nook and corner of the place, and who has cultivated a garden in its environs as celebrated throughout the world as his own sparkling pen, says well: "Who is there so downhearted as to resist the glorious heat of the sun, the beauty of that deepest of blue seas, the loveliness of the varied trees, the tropical vegetation, the scent of the orange-flowers, the music of the brooks, the sight of the ever-changing hues of the mountains of Nizza la bella?"

As he left the place disheartened with another refusal, he was overtaken by Joe Hollends. Joe was a lover of his fellow-man, and disliked seeing anyone downhearted. He had one infallible cure for dejection. Having just been discharged, he was in high spirits, because his prediction of his own failure as a reformed character, if work were a condition of the reclamation, had just been fulfilled.

Then turning to his own fellows he shouts, "Are we downhearted?" and the clamorous "No!" always brings forth a rousing French cheer. Having seen each other in action since they first met on the way to battle they have grown to respect each other more and more.

Dinah could not quite understand and, as she dearly loved Marcella, she was troubled. Raggedy Ann was not in the least downhearted and while she felt she must look very funny she continued to smile, but with a more expansive smile than ever before. Raggedy Ann knew just how it all happened and her remaining shoe-button eye twinkled.

They could quarrel with their elder sister while the assurance was still with them that she would be there to forgive them; but now that she was going away and that it had come to be believed by both of them that poor Lawrence had no chance, they were sad and downhearted. In all that misery the poor attorney had the worst of it.

But I guess I'm just fooling myself. I'm going to put the whole thing in the hands of a lawyer and have Cassey brought to justice if I can. But I'm afraid it'll be a case of locking the stable door after the horse is stolen." "Don't get downhearted," urged Bob. "I have an idea that you'll get your money or the mortgage.