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In the doorway beyond I saw M. Charnot. A young man was with him, who spoke to Jeanne. She answered him. Three words reached me: "It's nothing, George." The devil! She loves another! May 2d. In what a state of mind did I set out this morning to face my examiners! Downhearted, worn out by a night of misery, indifferent to all that might befall me, whether for good or for evil.

Will ye take Flea out, Sister Ann?" Both girls left the room, as Horace drew a chair to the bed. "I ain't goin' to get well," said Flukey slowly. "I know the doctor thinks so, too, 'cause he said there was somethin' the matter with my heart. And I have to go and leave Flea." Shellington took the thin, white hand in his. "You must not become downhearted, boy; that's not the way to get well.

"But, girl I kissed y'u hugged y'u handled y'u " he expostulated, and the making of the cigarette ceased. "Yes, y'u did y'u brute when I was so downhearted and weak I couldn't lift my hand," she flashed. "Ahuh! Y'u mean I couldn't do that now?" "I should smile I do, Jim Colter!" she replied. "Wal, mebbe I'll see presently," he went on, straining with words.

Dorothy gets angry if I do the least thing that is wicked, and tries to make me stop it, and that naturally makes me downhearted. I can't imagine why she has come here just now, for I've been behaving very well lately. As for that Wizard of Oz, he's chock-full of magic that I can't overcome, for he learned it from Glinda, who is the most powerful sorceress in the world. Woe is me!

"I am so downhearted that I cannot express the regret I feel at quitting the cardinal, fearing lest some accident may happen to him," the king had said to one of his servants: "tell him from me to take care of himself, to think what a state my affairs would be in if I were to lose him." It was at last announced that the re-enforcements so impatiently expected were coming from England.

You'll settle down for keeps, th' next time you settle down, Tim Perkins, gold or no gold; or you'll do your chasin' alone," and she turned and climbed back into one of the wagons, not at all moved by her big husband's enthusiasm. "Sal's some downhearted," the big fellow explained to Thure, "'cause things ain't turned out for us like we expected since comin' tew Oregon.

Now I'm never downhearted, or if I am, I say to myself 'It's all right somewhere! somewhere that you can't see. And I think of a poem my father was fond of 'If hopes are dupes, fears may be liars And somewhere in yon smoke concealed Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers And but for you possess the field! That's by a man called Arthur Clough Miss Blanchflower and it's a grand poem!"

By nature he was downhearted and prone to despair, but in war these qualities were concealed by his invariable success in whatever enterprise he undertook; while in political life his retiring manner and his dread of the vulgar demagogues, by whom he was easily put out of countenance, added to his popularity; for the people fear those who treat them with haughtiness, and favour those who respect and fear them.

But there was an old grandma in the house who was too aged to take a hand in the baking; this she herself understood, but just the same she did not relish the idea of being left out of the game. She felt rather downhearted; and for this reason she did not go to bed but seated herself by the sitting-room window and looked out.

He played with his head the whole way through, and his golf was really excellent. It was only natural that our people should be very downhearted when they saw what had happened, for it seemed nothing else than a great disaster. I do not think that in the long run it will prove to have been so, for the inevitable effect of it was to wake up our British golf, which stood sadly in need of arousing.