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Their weapons were the caubeen, the alpeen, and the doodeen of the country the latter a short but dreadful weapon of offence. At the demise of the venerable Theobald Mathew, the nation had laid aside its habit of temperance, and universal intoxication betokened their grief; it became afterwards their constant habit.

One of the first vices the unhappy wretch acquired in this abode of frivolity was that of SMOKING. Some of the dandies of the Club, such as the Marquis of Macabaw, Lord Doodeen, and fellows of that high order, are in the habit of indulging in this propensity upstairs in the billiard-rooms of the 'Sarcophagus' and, partly to make their acquaintance, partly from a natural aptitude for crime, Sackville Maine followed them, and became an adept in the odious custom.

He has already tried that 'Little Doodeen' of his, and broke it, too, just before I sang 'King Death. Have you heard my new song, 'The Body Snatcher, Mr. Warrington? angcored at Saint Bartholomew's the other night composed expressly for me. Per'aps you or your friend would like a copy of the song, sir? John, just 'ave the kyndness to 'and over a 'Body Snatcher' 'ere, will yer?

Poor Cos's ditty, 'The Little Doodeen, which Bows accompanied charmingly on the piano, was sung but to a few admirers, who might choose to remain after the tremendous resurrectionist chant. The room was commonly emptied after that, or only left in possession of a very few and persevering votaries of pleasure.

Have you any news of him, and do you see him still?" "No doubt he's very well," said the Captain, jingling his money, and whistling the air of a song 'The Little Doodeen' for the singing of which he was celebrated at the Fielding's Head. "Me dear boy I've forgot your name again but my name's Costigan, Jack Costigan, and I'd loike ye to take as many tumblers of punch in my name as ever ye loike.