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"We have reason to suspect the Cattle; in fact, we have engaged counsel." "The motor girls, I fancy, will defend you," said Tom, nonchalantly, "but I assure you, you will have no case. We are absolutely without grub; in fact, our case is pitiable." "And you had a 'Doins' last night," Dray reminded him.

"He's got the patter," says I. "Old friend of Auntie's, I take it?" No, it wasn't quite that. Seems the late Mrs. Creighton had been a chum of Auntie's 'way back when they was girls, and the fact had only been discovered when Clyde and Auntie got together a few days before at some studio tea doins'. "About how late was the late Mrs. C. C.?" says I.

She was surprised to find a light burning in the kitchen, and Ezekiel, their hired man, awaiting her in a dominant and nasal key of religious and practical disapprobation. "Pity you wern't tu hum afore, ma'am, considerin' the doins that's goin' on in perfessed Christians' houses arter meetin' on the Sabbath Day." "What's the difficulty now, Ezekiel?" said Mrs.

When I got thy letter, I easily believen that what the yoong ledy sen and done to me, and what her brother sen and done to me, was one, and that there were a wicked plot betwixt 'em. When I fell, I were in anger wi' her, an' hurryin on t' be as onjust t' her as oothers was t' me. But in our judgments, like as in our doins, we mun bear and forbear.

You see," dropping her voice for a moment, "I darsn't dar to speak out plain and 'bove-board heah, as if I was at home in Georgy! Ebbery ting is wat dey calls a mist'ry' hereabouts; an' I has bin notified not to tell ob no secret doins ob deirn to any airthly creeter, onless I wants to be smacked into jail an' guv up to my wrong owners.

'Bless yo, yes. An theer's mony foak 'at think Miss Emily wor a deol cliverer even nor Miss Charlotte. Not but what yo get a bad noshun o' Yorkshire folk fro Miss Emily's bukes soa I'm towd. Bit there's rough doins on t' moors soomtimes, I'll uphowd yo! An Miss Emily had eyes like gimlets they seed reet through a body.

"Land! ain't they smart, seesawin' up and down in that part they learnt in singin' school! I wonder what they're actin' out, singin' hymn-tunes up in the barn chamber? Some o' Rebecca's doins, I'll be bound! Git dap, Aleck!"

There's neighbor Green's boy, Bill, he can 'late anything after he's heerd it once, and when there's any doins' of any kind comin' off, they send him so he can tell the rest, after he gets home, all what happened. But, as I said before, it's more'n any of the rest of us can do. "And, to tell the truth, we don't need to be as wise as Solomon, here in these parts, to be as good as the best.

I is afraid to go one step furder; but de debble sort o' tempted me dis mornin' to make a clean breast of der doins.

But I don't think I be wrong, or else the papers don't tell the truth; and I read it in all the jarnals; I did, upon my soul. Why man, it's history now, if such nasty mean doins is worth puttin' into a book. "What makes this Spy System to England wuss, is that these eaves-droppers are obliged to hear all that's said, or lose what commission they hold; at least so folks tell me.