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When France had gin that beautiful and most wondeful creeter to us as a present, it looked sort o' shabby in New York to not provide a platform for that female to stand up on. Now, didn't it? She a-offerin' to light up the world if she only had a place to stand up on and the great continent of America not bein' willin' to gin it to her. New York talked oh, yes, it wuz a-goin' to do great things!

Pope, I have a book here I would like to call your attention to: 'The Twin Crimes of America: Intemperance and Greed." Good creeter, it wuz too bad.

She come to our house one day, and Elder Minkley, good old soul, come in just after she did for a all-day's visit, poor creeter! I guess he wuz sorry enough he come, some of the time; I guess he wished he wuz back in his study perusin' the book of martyrs or anything else deprestin', and would have thought 'em fur livelier than what he got into.

You'll remember that powerful figger of speech in the article. I told her it would make you mad as a hen and I spoze it did. And I felt it my duty to molify you and tell you that a honester creeter never lived than Keturah, and it wuz only these extronnery circumstances that made her borry the ten cents.

"I do," sed he; sayin which he walked up to the cage and sez he, "let's try moral swashun upon the poor creeter." So he put his hand upon the Kangeroo's hed and sed, "poor little fellow poor little fellow your master is very crooil, isn't he, my untootered frend," when the Kangaroo, with a terrific yell, grabd the Perfesser by the hand and cum very near chawin it orf.

And she is a good little creeter, and will make him a happy wife; I don't make no doubt. As I said, the old lady is goin' to live with Susan. They went right on in the train, for Ardelia's home lays beyond Jonesville, and Abram wuz goin' home with her by Deacon Tutt's request. They are willin'. Wall, we disembarked from the cars, and we found the old mair and the "Democrat" a waitin' for us.

She was a lonely creeter, her folks bein' all dead but one sister, who didn't use her waal, an' somehow I kinder yearned over her, as they say in Scripter. For all I set an' gawped, I was coming raound fast, though I felt as I used tew, when I was goin' to shoot the rapids, kinder breathless an' oncertin, whether I'd come aout right side up or not. Queer, warn't it?"

There's a sight in knowin' how to manage at a fun'ral; it takes faculty, same as anything else." "How does David bear up?" asked Miss Vilda. "Oh, he's calm. David was always calm and resigned, you know. He shed tears durin' the remarks, but I s'pose, mebbe, he was wishin' they was more appropriate. He's about the forlornest creeter now you ever see' in your life.

"Where's your trunk, Uncle James?" asked Ruth. "I ain't a needin' of no trunk," he answered, "what clothes I've got is on me, and that there valise has more of my things in it. When my clothes wears out, I put on new ones and leave the others for some pore creeter what may need 'em worse'n me." Aunt Jane followed Joe upstairs, issuing caution and direction at every step.

Uncle Ezra had a splendid chance offered him there, and he fell in with it. She wuz a dretful good creeter, Aunt Tryphenia wuz, and greatly beloved by the relations on his side, as well as hern. Though, as is nateral with relations, she had to be run by 'em more or less, and found fault with. Some thought her nose wuz too long.