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'A curse upon you, Tom! said he. 'Would you roast us alive, this hot night? Leave the fire alone and bring your hang-dog face here! He treated his associate with the most bitter contempt. 'I doant fancy biding here with narra light! said the fellow. 'There be a mort of ugly things here! 'There's nothing uglier than your own carcase. Drink and get courage.

"Dosn't thou 'ear my 'erse's legs, as they canters awaay? Proputty, proputty, proputty that's what I 'ears 'em saay. But I knawed a Quaaker feller as often 'as towd ma this: 'Doant thou marry for munny, but goa wheer munny is!" Helen had much to do to keep her busy during the next few days.

We doant complain, however, for the revival brought a great many into the fold. No moar at present, but belave me "Sincerly Your Friend, "Jerusha Ellen Briggs." Shorty's heart almost choked him when he finished. It was the first time in his hfe that he had received a letter from any woman.

Many a toime we childern went moochin' in thuck wood nutting and bird-nesting. Though I never did hold wi' taking more'n one egg out of a nest, and I allus did wet my vinger avore I touched the moss on a wren's nest. They do say as the little bird 'ull never go back if ye doant." His mind went roaming among childhood's memories and his eyes took on a dreaming look.

"I would have trusted thee as much as Harry." "Well then, I forgive you, Jack, but if ever you get in danger again, and doant let me know, I'll never speak a word to you again." In the years which had passed since this friendship began Nelly Hardy had greatly changed.

"Doant ye, my lady, doant ye," said the honest fellow, and was within an ace of blubbering for sympathy. "We ain't a lot o' babies, to see our squire kidnaped. If you would lend Abel Moss there and me a couple o' nags, we'll catch them yet, my lady." "That we will," cried Abel. "You take me where you fired that shot, and we'll follow the fresh wheel-tracks.

Noa, by the Lord! No school larnin' for me nor mine, thank-ee! Why, the marster of the Board School 'ere doant know more practical business o' life than a suckin' calf! With a bit o' garden ground to 'is cot, e' doant reckon 'ow io till it, an' that's the rakelness o' book larnin'. Noa, noa!

'E's as 'armless as they makes 'em, an' I've told 'im as 'ow ye' don't take in nowt but 'spectable folk. Doant 'ee turn out an old gaffer like 'e be, fagged an' footsore, to sleep in open doant 'ee now, there's a good soul!" Miss Tranter went on knitting rapidly. Presently she turned her piercing gimlet grey eyes on Helmsley. "Where do you come from, man?" she demanded.

One oh bliss! is named Evangeline, and, if we understand correctly, there is an old name similar to this among these people. Though they sing some charming old French chansons for us, the two sweet girls cannot be induced to converse in that language. Madame laughs, saying, "Dey know dey doant speak de goot French, de fine French, so dey will only talk Angleesh wid you."

It troubled Reuben indeed, something in the old fashion, that his wife would show no concern whatever for Louie when he repeated to her the details of that disappearance whereof so far he and she had known only the bare fact. 'Aye, I thowt she'd bin and married soom mak o' rabblement, remarked Hannah. 'Yo doant suppose ony decent mon ud put up wi her.