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"Dem names wuz gun ter 'em by ole Marse Dugal' McAdoo, wat I use' ter b'long ter, en' dey use' ter b'long ter. Marse Dugal' named all de babies w'at wuz bawn on de plantation. Dese young un's mammy wanted ter call 'em sump'n plain en' simple, like 'Rastus' er 'Cæsar' er 'George Wash'n'ton; but ole Marse say no, he want all de niggers on his place ter hab diffe'nt names, so he kin tell 'em apart.

"Well, dis yer hoss trader sta'ted out wid Becky, en bimeby, atter dey 'd gone down de Lumbe'ton Road fer a few miles er so, dis man tu'nt roun' in a diffe'nt d'rection, en kep' goin' dat erway, 'tel bimeby Sis' Becky up 'n ax' 'im ef he wuz gwine' ter Robeson County by a noo road. "'No, nigger, sezee, 'I ain' gwine ter Robeson County at all.

Dey all had diffe'nt ways o' thinkin' 'bout it. Mos'ly though dey was jus' lak me, dey didn' know jus' zackly what it meant. It was jus' somp'n dat de white folks an' slaves all de time talk 'bout. Dat's all. Folks dat ain' never been free don' rightly know de feel of bein' free. Dey don' know de meanin' of it.

Dey do say de Chisolms an' folks lak' em used to run 'roun' wid de Yankees. Maybe dat's how come dey was diffe'nt. Even 'fore de Yankees come a-tall, when Mr. "'Mr. John Gully he'p Mr. Chisolm git to be judge, but he turnt out to be worse dan dem he had to judge. Mr. Gully an' de others made 'im resign. I reckon maybe dat's why he quit bein' a Democratic an' started ructions wid Mr. Gully.

"Well, it takes me longer to get started than when Randy was here," said Prue. "It's diffe'nt now. I used to hurry to keep up with my Randy, but now I don't care when I get there long as Randy isn't in the school 't all. I want a letter from her, too, and I wonder why she doesn't be sending me one." "Why, Prue, Randy sent you one yesterday, don't you remember?

"Well, that was most fortunate," he mused, "for Zack has been a very upright husband." The old woman bristled. Glaring at him she said in a low voice: "Upright ain' so diffe'nt from downright! You knows how oudacious he done treat me 'bout dat 'surance!" "Oh, yes, you mean about that policy!"

I dropped an interrogative hint as to how March stood with Ravenel. The Captain smiled. "They neveh cla-ash. Ravenel's the same mystery he always was, but not the same poweh; his losin' Garnet the way he did, and then John bein' so totally diffe'nt, you know John don't ofm ask Jeff-Jack to do anything, but he neveh aasks in vaain. John's motheh? Yes, she still lives with him.

"Grandison," said Dick one morning, after finishing his toilet, "this is the chance of your life to go around among your own people and see how they live. Have you met any of them?" "Yas, suh, I 's seen some of 'em. But I don' keer nuffin fer 'em, suh. Dey 're diffe'nt f'm de niggers down ou' way.

"Times were tight not a grain o' coffee an' not much else. My granny stayed de loom-room all de time. De other winmins done de spinnin' an' she done de weavin'. She were a' good'n'. Dey couldn' git coal. De engineer had to climb out on de engine hisse'f an' 'tend to dam taller pots. Dey do diffe'nt now. "Dey were such a sca'city of men, dey were a-puttin' 'em in de war at sixty-five.