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It is de ladies who do cheer but not inebriate, and, derefore, vid all homage to de dear sex, de toast dat I have to propose is, "De Ladies! God bless dem all!" From "Tom Jones" In the first row of the first gallery did Mr. Jones, Mrs. Miller, her youngest daughter, and Partridge, take their places. Partridge immediately declared it was the finest place he had ever been in.

Derefore I bicked myselfs oop und I said, "Reingelder, dot is YOUR find." "Heart's true friend, dou art a goot man," said Reingelder, und mit dot he obens der bickle-bottle, und der natif woman she shqueals: "Herr Gott! It will bite." I said pecause in Uraguay a man must be careful of der insects "Reingelder, shpifligate her in der alcohol und den she will be all right."

Me do order dat you have no money given you, for you deserve punishment, not reward; me do order derefore, dat you be de infamous gypsy, and do wear pair of horns upon your forehead for one month, and dat your wife be called de whore, and pointed at all dat time; for you be de infamous gypsy, but she be no less de infamous whore."

"How will you make them do that?" asked Jack, who noticed the peculiar sparkle which the friends of the warrior always observed when his feelings were stirred. "I doesn't not believes dot you and dem cannot agrees mit de price," said Otto; "derefore you sends for me and I tells you what de price ain't, and if dey don't agrees, den I knocks 'em ober de head don't it?"

S'pose fire burn de ole Nick? Den he be done dead and gone, which ain't so; derefore nuthin' ever fall Miss Rusha; she never sick, nor die, nor drown, nor burn up. Miss Ellice she sick, she die, 'cause she be an angel; she go home to glory; but Miss Rusha she live, jes to trouble white folks, jes to torment niggers."

Young Carleton looked wonderingly toward friend and asked, "What do you mean?" "I don't mean vot I don't say and derefore dinks I mean vot I vos." "So the colt went into the river? Where were you?" "Mit de colt and he vos mit me, so we bot vos mit each other. Just feels of me." Jack reached out his hand and pinched the clothing of his friend in several places. It was saturated.

"Our young mate was at de light-house beyond all controwersy; and how can he be den on dat rock over yonder, too?" "Dat is imposserbul," answered Josh; "derefore I says it is n't true. I surposes you know dat what is imposserbul is n't true, Simon. Nobody can't be out yonder and down here at de same time. Dat is imposserble, Simon.

It is der way der rich peoples chases after der appetite when it is no more and is running away. Michael haf sixteen hundred dollars. He is rich peoples. He haf no appetite. Derefore, pecause, he is chasing der appetite. Shust you open der door und you will see his barefoots in der snow. No, you will not see der appetite. Dot is shust his trouble.

Don't be unhappy, derefore, about dat." "I will try not," said Alice, "though it is very, very terrible." "No doubt about dat, Missie Alice," answered Nub; "but tings might be worse, and if de raft hold together in dis sea it will swim through any we are likely to have. Already de wind down, and it grow calmer.

Johnson, do say, in dat amusing little vork of his, de Pronouncing Dictionnaire; and, derefore, I vill not say ver moch to de point. Ven I vas a boy, about so moch tall, and used for to promenade de streets of Marseilles et of Rouen, vid no feet to put onto my shoe, I nevare to have expose dat dis day vould to have arrive.