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I approached the spot, in tending to question the former on the subject of the weather during his watch; but, just as about to hail him, I heard the young lady say, in a more animated tone than was discreet for the character of the conversation "No, nebber, sah nebber, widout de apperbation of my modder and de whole famerly. Mattermony a berry differ t'ing, Neb, from what you surposes.

You cannot tell me anyt'ing of edercation, Neb; for I hab hear Miss Grace and Miss Lucy say deir lesson so often, dat I sometime surposes I can say 'em all, one by one, almost as well as my young lady, 'emselves. No, Neb; on dat subjeck better be silent.

"Our young mate was at de light-house beyond all controwersy; and how can he be den on dat rock over yonder, too?" "Dat is imposserbul," answered Josh; "derefore I says it is n't true. I surposes you know dat what is imposserbul is n't true, Simon. Nobody can't be out yonder and down here at de same time. Dat is imposserble, Simon.

A werry good gentle'em is Misser Mulford, but not good enough to mulk Simon and me out of fifty dollar each." "You will not hear my project, Josh, and so will never know what I would be at." "Well, come, tell him jest as you surposes him. Now listen, Simon, so dat not a word be loss." "My plan is to take the boat, if we anchor, as anchor I know we shall, and go and find the rock and bring Mr.

"Spike usually does that, you know. `Let the cook and the stewards keep the midnight watch, he commonly says, `and that will give the foremost hands a better snooze." "Yes, he do say dat, Josh," put in Simon, "most ebbery time we comes-to." "I know he does, and surposes he will say it to-night, if he comes-to to-night.

"Well, Chloe, and hab'n't I had dis berry consent from you, now for most two year?" "Ay, dat not de consent I surposes. You wouldn't t'ink, Neb, ongrateful feller, to get marry, widout first askin' do consent of Masser Mile, I do surpose!